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should I use blood glucose test daily if I have produce too much insulin

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Q: Should you use a blood glucose test daily if you have too much insulin?
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Why would a single daily dose of hormone not control blood glucose in diabetics?

A single daily dose may not be enough because blood glucose levels fluctuate throughout the day. Meeting the body's dynamic insulin needs with a single dose can lead to inadequate control, especially if the dose is not tailored to the individual's specific insulin requirements. Additionally, factors like diet, exercise, stress, illness, and medication interactions can impact blood glucose levels, which may require multiple doses or additional interventions for better control.

Summarize easy explain how glucagon and insulin work together to maintain a relatively constant blood sugar level?

Glucagon is a hormone that converts glycogen stored in the liver into Glucose (Sugars). When our blood sugar level fall below normal, glucagon will convert the glycogen stored to sugar (Glucose) to ICREASE our blood sugar levels: Glucagon is used when blood sugar levels fall below normal and glucose is needed to raise the levels. Insulin is necessary for the body to convert sugar, starches into energy needed for daily usage, Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas and released into the bloodstream when glucose (Blood Sugar) levels are on the rise, When the body has a high blood sugar, Insulin in released, breaking down the glucose and LOWERING the blood sugar levels.

Medical Supplies for Diabetics?

Most diabetics require an extensive supply of medical supplies. These supplies include those that are used daily and those that will be required in emergency situations. While type I diabetics usually need more supplies than those with type II, both should always be sure they have an extensive supply available to them. This will ensure that a situation involving high blood glucose or similar health problem does not become a medical emergency.Type I diabetics require many medical supplies. Depending on what type of insulin delivery system is used, supplies will differ. Those with insulin pumps will need insulin cartridges, delivery units, and an adequate supply of insulin. Those who use insulin pens and syringes will need to be sure that there is always a stock of insulin available to them. Both groups should always have extra insulin in case of a delivery malfunction.Type II diabetics, depending on the severity of their illness, will also require different medical supplies. Most use some kind of medicine, usually in pill form, that will either aid insulin production or increase insulin sensitivity. Those with more severe symptoms might require occasional insulin injections. For both groups, it is beneficial to have a supply of insulin on hand in case of illness or high blood glucose.Both type I and type II diabetics will need a large supply of testing strips and lancets to test blood glucose levels regularly. Blood glucose monitors take the blood sample through the test strip, and the lancets prick the finger to provide the sample. Especially in times of illness or stress, when blood glucose levels can rise, it is necessary to have large supplies of both of these items.There are also some emergency and incidental supplies that diabetics should always have on hand. Diabetics should always carry glucagon, an injected sugar substance, in case of severe low blood glucose. While glucagon is rarely necessary, it is something that should always be available in case of that rare need. Diabetics should also carry a supply of sugar for regular low blood glucose. Most pharmacies sell glucose tabs, which are easy to carry and take, and supply a measured amount of sugar in each tablet.

What is basal insulin?

Basal rate: The amount of insulin required to manage normal daily blood glucose fluctuations. Most people constantly produce insulin to manage the glucose fluctuations that occur during the day. In a person with diabetes, giving a constant low level amount of insulin via insulin pump mimics this normal phenomenon.Insulin: A hormone produced by the pancreas that helps the body use glucose for energy. The beta cells of the pancreas make insulin. (Above Source: Web MD : Diabetes Glossary of Terms) Insulin Therapy: The Basal dose is the standard dose you take daily. For example, if someone was on Lantus (long acting) and Novolog (short acting) the Lantus would be taken once per day as the basal dose, and the Novolog would be taken with meals as the bolus. With an insulin pump, the basal dose is the dose that you get per hour, while the bolus is what you take to cover meals.

What is basale?

Basal rate: The amount of insulin required to manage normal daily blood glucose fluctuations. Most people constantly produce insulin to manage the glucose fluctuations that occur during the day. In a person with Diabetes, giving a constant low level amount of insulin via insulin pump mimics this normal phenomenon.Insulin: A hormone produced by the pancreas that helps the body use glucose for energy. The beta cells of the pancreas make insulin. (Above Source: Web MD : Diabetes Glossary of Terms) Insulin Therapy: The Basal dose is the standard dose you take daily. For example, if someone was on Lantus (long acting) and Novolog (short acting) the Lantus would be taken once per day as the basal dose, and the Novolog would be taken with meals as the bolus. With an insulin pump, the basal dose is the dose that you get per hour, while the bolus is what you take to cover meals.

What if your dog has diabetes What is it and what trearment is available?

Diabetes mellitus has 2 types; dogs are usually affected by type 1 meaning that they do not produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone which is involved in storing glucose in the body, without it there is too much glucose in the blood and not enough glucose in the cells. Treatment is usually a daily (possibly more than once) injection of insulin which you can obtain from the vets. Your vet will show you how to administer the injection. It is a condition that requires lifetime treatment and as a result can be very costly. Some insurance companies will only pay for the insulin for 1 year and then refuse to pay from there onwards. You should see your vet for more advice NB - Obese dogs can also suffer from type 2 diabetes - you should discuss with your vet the best options for your dog based on the type of diabetes.

Does turmeric affect diabetics?

Daily consumption of Turmeric can normalize blood sugar and reduce insulin dependency.

What is blood glucose monitor?

A blood glucose monitore is used by diabetics to help monitor and control their blood glucose levels. You can find helpful information by visiting

What is diabetics 1?

Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar (glucose), starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.

What is injecting insulin an essential part of the daily regime for most people with diabetes?

Well, injecting insulin is a daily regime for most people because they need it to keep their blood level down and leveled. Also because they need to keep their sugar level low. I know this because i'm 10 and my grandpa on my moms' side of the family has diabetes and I remember when he injected insulin and I asked what it was and he said that he needed it to keep his blood level low and that it was insulin.

Healthy Blood Sugar vs Diabetes?

Everything you eat from a celery stick to an ice cream sundae raises blood sugar levels. The term "blood sugar" refers to the amount of glucose in the blood. Glucose is the product of dietary carbohydrates that are processed by the body.In a normal healthy body, blood glucose levels are regulated by the hormone insulin that is released by the pancreas. The function of insulin is to assist the cells of the body in processing glucose. As food is digested blood sugar levels begins to rise in the body. This signals the pancreas to release insulin into the blood to regulate blood sugar within normal ranges of not under 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter and not over 140 milligrams per deciliter.Diabetics usually have two issues effecting blood sugar levels, insulin resistance which inhibits cells from using insulin effectively, and an insufficient supply of insulin from the pancreas. This results in the body becoming unable to control blood sugar levels. This is called diabetes.There are two types of diabetes. The first is Type 1 diabetes commonly found in children whose pancreas produces no insulin. The second kind of diabetes is Type 2 which is common in obese adults and results in insulin resistance and insufficient of insulin from the pancreas.Treatment for Type 1 is to replace the missing insulin with daily injections. Treatment for Type 2 diabetes is treated with oral medication or insulin injections. Fortunately, diabetes is a manageable disease. Managing diabetes, especially Type 2 diabetes, is all about creating a balance in the body between medication, diet, and exercise to get and keep blood sugar levels as close to normal range as possible.One of the most useful tools for controlling blood sugar is a home blood glucose testing meter. This home kit takes a snap shot of blood sugar when a small drop of blood is dropped on a special test strip that is inserted in the meter. Type 2 diabetics test their blood sugar before eating and within two hours after eating when blood sugar peaks. This helps show diabetics if their diet plan needs revision. Every three months the doctor orders an A1C blood test which gives an average of blood sugar levels over a three month period. This gives a diabetic an overview of their long term blood sugar control.

Are hormones used to treat diabetes?

Diabetes is when your body does not produce the hormone insulin. So with someone with type 1 diabetes they have to do daily insulin injections. So the job of insulin is to level out your blood sugar level so yes the hormone insulin is used to treat diabetes.