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You could, but it may not be needed if the shot protects you from getting the flu (as it should once it produces immunity in around 2 weeks after the vaccination in adults). If Tamiflu is prescribed by your doctor, then it should be no problem, just mention the recent vaccination. If you got, or are getting, a flu nasal mist vaccination instead of a shot, then you should not have antiviral medications like Tamiflu for two weeks before or two weeks after the vaccination. It will not hurt you if you do, but you may be rendering the vaccination ineffective or less effective if you do, since the mists are made with "live" viruses and they could be disabled by the antiviral medicine before they can cause your proper immune response to the vaccines when given during the time your body is working to build immunity from exposure to the vaccine.

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11y ago
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14y ago

well, i guess it cannt hurt but next time youre sick get tested at the doctor!

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14y ago

no its ok

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Q: Should you take Tamiflu if you had a flu shot?
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What do you do after you are diagnosed with Swine Flu?

take tamiflu for 5 days then you should feel fine

If you get a swine flu shot will the swine flu disappear in a week?

The swine flu shot is used to prevent the flu, not to treat the flu if you already have it. To treat the flu, antiviral medications are more likely to be prescribed, such as Tamiflu.

Should you be on Tamiflu if your child has H1N1?

No. Tamiflu is only for those with the Swine Flu. Taking it as a preventative could cause mutation of the virus....making it immune to Tamiflu. If you start to have flu-like symptoms, I recommend you go see your physician.

Is the Swine Flu the same as the tami flu?

Swine flu is a flu very similar to the regular flu. Tamiflu is a medicine that you take when you have swine flu or other types of influenza.

What are the tablets called that you take to prevent swine flu?

Tamiflu or you could get a vaccine

Does it mean you had H1N1 if you were prescribed Tamiflu?

Tamiflu can be prescribed for any viral infection, not just the flu and not just H1N1/09 swine flu. So without lab testing there is no way to know for sure what type of flu you might have had. It won't hurt to get a flu shot even if you had that type of flu. The H1N1/09 vaccine is included in the seasonal flu vaccines for the 2011-2012 flu season. You should get the seasonal flu vaccination to be protected from the three most prominent types of flu that are expected to be in the Northern Hemisphere during this flu season.

Can you take NyQuil with Tami flu?

Yes there is no problem. Tamiflu is an antiviral. It does not take care of any of your flu symptoms. So you need something like Nyquil to take care of those!

Should you get a flu shot with a sinus infection?

You have to wait until your better then you get the flu shot

What is Tamiflu is drug against which diseases?


What medicine you need to take to avoid a H1N1 virus?

Tamiflu, but in Denmark swine flu has shown resistance to this.

Should a person with sarcoidosis get the H1N1 and flu shot?

A person with Sarcoidosis not get a seasonal flu shot

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