yes you should it will protect you from thousands of different diseases
I want to have the doctor immunize me with a flu shot.
The verb form of 'immune' is 'immunize' (UK: immunise). Example: "My job is to immunize patients."
Doctors and medical professionals immunize patients to protect them from diseases and conditions such as measles, mumps, and polio.
There are three different vaccines for hemophilus infections used to immunize children in the United States: PRP-D, HBOC, and PRP-OMP.
in order to immunize them against certain diseases. (2) :)
Because it helps to prevent certain diseases to immunize our body
imported, immunize, emperors
The mother chose to immunize her children against the possibility of contracting measles.
Good spyware blockers are 1) The immunize function in spyboy 2) Spyware Blaster
Vaccinations are up to the individual. A majority of Jehovah's Witnesses immunize their children and get annual flu shots.