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I have braces and the first and second says ur mouth will be sore. The second day is the worst. if you r one of those lucky people who arent as sore then if u want and r feeling fine u could go to school. if u do take some advil or something before.

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Q: Should you go to school tomorrow im getting braces?
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How do braces feel and should you go to school the day you get braces?

they will feel sore after getting them put on a wee while after it, but not enough that you should stay off school :) just need to watch what you eat so you dont break them.

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I am getting my permit tomorrow after school. (:

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you don't have to but if you have hurt your ankles it's a good idea to keep them from getting required if your playing in aau or middle school level you should where them.

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A. You spelled tomorrow wrong, and B. Tomorrow is Sunday, you idiot!

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Tomorrow is adverb. Example: I have to go to school tomorrow. In this sentence, you are modifying the verb go (going when? -- tomorrow). Tomorrow can be a noun, as well. Example: Tomorrow should be warmer.

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there is no school tomorrow

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No they do not have school tomorrow

How should I face these bullies at school tomorrow?

Tell your teacher. ... and your parents, and the principal.

Is their school tomorrow in Portland?

If THERE is, you should pay more attention in English classes.