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Deciding whether or not to get circumcised is rarely a personal decision.

There have been studies done and it has been proven that whether a guy is circumcised or not has a definite effect on his pleasure and that of his partner while having sex.

If you're talking about child circumcision, its a different story. If you are Jewish, then at 8 days old it is required, so yes. If you're Islam, it is required (normally) from about 5 years to 14 years to do so, so yes, probably. In most other cases, I would say no. At least let your son grow to be about 13 so he can understand the surgery and put in an input himself.

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15y ago

Generally the answer is no. Circumcision has no known medical benefits, and no major medical association recommends routine circumcision. Circumcision caries with it serious risks of adverse outcomes including prolonged bleeding, infection, severe pain, and surgical error that can result in damage to the penis. For these reasons most physicians recommend against circumcision. Circumcision can have long lasting consequences. Circumcision removes a normal part of the penis that functions to protect the glans of the penis. Removal of the foreskin can cause decreased sensitivity of the penis and decreased pleasure during sexual intercourse. This is yet another reason why circumcision is becoming increasingly uncommon. Circumcision is very rare in most of the world. Some religious groups, for examples Jews and Muslims, may practice circumcision. In the United States, circumcision is far less common now than it once was. During the 1970s and 1980, around 80% of male infants were circumcised in the United States. A study conducted in the United States from 2005-2007 found that circumcision rates had fallen to below 40% in most of the United States. In the western United States, fewer than 25% of infant males were circumcised in 2005-2007. For more information, see:

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14y ago

Talk to a medical professional. Uncircumcised men have to be very careful to keep the penis clean, since it's relatively easy for urine, sweat, etc., to get caught between the foreskin and the head of the penis and cause infections. There is also a greater likelihood of getting or passing a sexually transmitted disease.

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14y ago

Do not circumcise yourself or your child if it is not absolutely medically necessary. Doing so removes the 20,000 highly specialized and erogenous nerve endings in the foreskin and exposes the glans, which should be an internal organ, to air and chafing. These nerves are specialized for physical pleasure; for comparison, the rest of the penis has approximately 4,000 nerve endings over its total surface and a good deal of these are actually pain receptors. Sure, orgasm is still possible and feels great, but requires heavier friction due to decreased sensitivity and causes both partners frustration. Additionally, most circumcised men will never experience a "body orgasm." Ask a man if he has experienced this -- if the answer is anything but "yes" -- if he cannot describe the difference, he has not.

You'd be hacking off about 50% of your son's penile skin tissue. If he were to discover the scar that is the most sensitive portion of his post-circumcision penis later in life and investigate it, he would then require years of therapy to not hate you for well... chopping the best part of his penis... Don't go there.

My parents had me circumcised for religious purposes. An infant does not have a religion and I may never forgive them for violating my right to my own body. Good intentions do not dull the pain. It is irreversible. Emotional abuse is rape of the mind and circumcision, male and female, is rape of the body.

If you have any further doubts or questions, watch a video of the procedure. Hear the blood-curdling scream of an infant who has just had the single most sensitive part of his body crushed and sliced off and ask yourself if you could ever put your child through that pain if his life did not immediately depend on it...

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12y ago

No being circumcised is unatural and cauases harm. your penis should remain intact. The penis was made with the foreskin on it and the foreskin plays an important part in its performance and maintenance. circumcision was introduced thousands of Years ago as a cultural rite that set certain people apart, from there it progressed into a religious obligation with the Jews and it is also viewed as a right of passage into man hood in others. in the mid 1800dd it was introduced for so called medical reasons by the Quack Victorian medical fraternity of Britain from where it spread to only English speaking country's and those under their military influence. today the practice is being rapidly abandoned again with the USA being the last bastion of resistance because of the size and extent of their market. there is no medical justification for routine circumcision. it dulls the senses of the penis and makes masturbation and sexual intercourse less pleasant.

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14y ago

Depends on your religion and your preference or your sex health.

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Q: Should you get circumcised
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Should you circumcise yourself?

No. If you want to be circumcised, you should see a professional.

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Per Jewish religion; and Islam religion; all males should be circumcised.

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You should have a word with a urologist or a mohel that does jewish circs.

If you havent been circumcised yet should your penis be small?

Blame it on genetics.

How you be circumcised you're 23 years old?

A reliable urologist should be able to help you.

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He is definitely circumcised

Was heath ledger circumcised?

Yes he might have been circumcised.

Is it forbidden or haraam for the mother want to have her boy circumcised?

Muslim boy should be circumcised. It is mandatory in Islam religion (and also Jewish, to my knowledge) that male born children must be circumcised. This is according to God revelations to Abraham (peace upon him). However, for Muslim girls it is not allowed.

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Who knows, There is no religious reason why Christians should have their penis mutilated with circumcision

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I did, I had all my sons circumcised. My father did not have his son circumcised. (Me) I had to have it done myself.

What does it mean if you are Circumcised as a large?

I am not use what it means when been circumcised as a large. When a boy is born they parents have a choice to get him circumcised.

Is it normal for a circumcised penis to smell fishy?

No it is not normal for any penis to smell fishy, Circumcised or not, simple daily cleaning even with just clear water, should prevent any "fishy smell."