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No, I didn't. I also got several shots the same day I got the typhoid.

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Q: Should you fast before receiving a typhoid immunization?
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Related questions

Does a patient have to sign an immunization consent form before receiving the immunization?

no, verbal consent is sufficient, also if you have gone to the surgery to receive the immunisation you are implying that you are consenting to it.

Did Mary Mallon have typhoid when she came to America?

Most probably Mary Mallon had typhoid before she came to America. She probably brought the typhoid from Ireland. She was one of the many asymptomatic carriers of typhoid.

How did typhoid fever affect the Europeans?

Before the advent of improvement in sanitation after 1854 out break of cholera in UK, the typhoid affected the Europeans like others outside the Europe. Now the Europeans have no challenge to their immunity. So every body should receive the oral typhoid vaccine to keep the immune system in tune.

How widespred was typhoid fever?

Typhoid was wide spread before the age of improved sanitation and good hygiene. It covered the globe, probably.

Is it a city ordinance that pets must have there imunizations in the city of lincoln park?

Citing the online codified ordinances of Lincoln Park, MI, dogs must show the City Clerk a rabies immunization certificate before receiving a dog license. The only exception is if a licensed veterinarian certifies that the immunization would be harmful to the dog. Go to Chapter 610 Animals in the Code for more information.

How did Magot Frank die?

From typhoid fever a few days before her sister

For malarie you have to give immunisation before or after?

By definition, an immunization is given before the disease can be contracted. After contracting the disease, the medicine would be called "treatment".

How common was typhoid fever before civil war?

Before the Civil War, more than 20 percent of people contracted Typhoid fever. During the worst of the outbreaks, between 12 and 16 percent of those afflicted died from the disease.

What illness did Jim Bowie have at battle of Alamo?

No one is really certain, but historians believe it was either typhoid fever or viral pneumonia.

Can you get the flu shot if you feel a little under the weather?

As long as you do not have or have not recently had a high fever or other indication of a severe infection of a bacteria or virus, you can get a flu shot. They will ask you about this before giving you the immunization and will not give it if you should not have it.

What is the correct spelling of receiving?

The correct spelling is 'receiving'.

How did Michelangelo Buonarroti died?

He died of typhoid fever at age 88 just before his 89th birthday.