Patients who regularly take aspirin , nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), blood thinners, or insulin should be sure to inform the physician prior to the colonoscopy.
Red or purple juices should be avoided, since they can cause coloring of the colon that may be misinterpreted during the colonoscopy.
Red or purple juices should be avoided, since they can cause coloring of the colon that may be misinterpreted during the colonoscopy.
Patients with clotting disorders may not be suitable candidates for plasmapheresis.
Patients taking blood thinners also must check with their physician to find out when they should stop taking the medication before surgery.
Colonoscopy with a biopsy can cost around $3000. Less for a screening-only colonoscopy with no polyps found. Colonoscopy with a biopsy can cost around $3000. Less for a screening-only colonoscopy with no polyps found.
Standard precautions are basic infection prevention measures that should be used with all patients to prevent transmission of pathogens in healthcare settings. Additional precautions are used in specific situations for patients with known or suspected infections that require extra measures beyond standard precautions to prevent spread of the infection.
Diabetic patients should be aware that this medicine may cause false results on some urine sugar tests. Check with a physician before making any changes in diet or diabetes medicine based on the results of a urine test.
If you have a family history of colon cancer, you should have a colonoscopy once a year, but based on your own health and your specific family history, consult your doctor.
Occasionally, patients may have bleeding or infection after biopsy. Bleeding is usually controlled with a topical medication.
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