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Since you didn't specify in what area of the shoulder, I can only speak from my experience with a lump above the collar bone. As with any "new" lump, your best bet would be a have a MD check it out. I had a fair size lump above my left collar bone which turned out to be Hodgkins Lymphoma. So my advice is to see your MD. Good Luck, Kristin Hi - my husband had a lump just above the collar bone which suddenly appeared. It was secondary cancer from a stomach tumour. Get it checked out. All the best.

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It is likely just a cyst or ingrown hair, but I would definitely have a doctor check it out. It could also be a Staph infection and that won't go away on its own.

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Q: Should one be concerned with a soft tissue lump under your arm?
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yes. seriously, go get that checked out. make an appointment now.

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