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No, it is not normal, you should contact your doctor immediately.

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14y ago

Spotting does not occur at 8-10 weeks. It occurs at 1-10 days. So yes, it is earlier than that.

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Q: Should a woman of 8 to 9 weeks pregnant be spotting?
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Does spotting happen to every pregnant woman?

I don't think so. I did not experience having a spotting in my two pregnancy period. If that happens to a pregnant woman she better consult her doctor.

Bright red spotting at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

Call your doctor immedeatley they should be able to fit you in or go to the hospital. I had bright red spotting aroun 11 weeks that became heavier and when I went to the doctors I was told I was miscarrying. Every woman is different obviously but when you are pregnant there is no need to leave anything to chance! Good Luck!

Im twelve weeks and ive had some spotting what should you do is this serious?

Being pregnant and having spotting is very normal, some woman even get there period all throughout pregnancy dont worry you will be fine! but be sure to see a doctor about it just to make sure. but its very normal!

Can a woman still have a period if she is pregnant something like spotting?

Yes, it's possible. A doctor should be seen in that case.

What does it mean if you don't get your period but your spotting?

Spotting usually happens when a woman was pregnant, and lost the baby/had a miscarriage early in the pregnancy.

What would cause spotting in a woman that is 4 weeks pregnant?

spotting could be caused by moving to much, hopfully very light pink color, sit relax could cause a miscarriage but if it gets to the color of red and bigger spots see a doctor!

How many weeks is the average woman pregnant?

The average pregnancy lasts for about 40 weeks (after the last period or 38 weeks after conception). The average fertility rate is 2.58 children per woman. So, the average woman is pregnant for about 103 weeks of her life.

You are 9 weeks pregnant what should you eat?

There is no special diet for 9 weeks pregnant woman. She can take the diet she likes. She need to take 5 mg folic acid daily in first three months.

Im 30 weeks pregnant and im spotting should you be worried?

I am also 30 weeks and pregnant and am experiencing the same thing. Two days ago I started spotting and started to worry, so I went to the hospital where they monitered the baby and checked my cervix. Everything checked out great...thank god! The doctor told me that spotting is common this late in pregnancy and to not be alarmed if I see it even more as I get closer to labor/delivery. She also said that pink/brown spotting is really noting to be worried about this late in pregnancy, its the bright red/heavy bledding like your period that you should worry about. But, I would still discuss this with your doctor at your next visit, or call him/her if you are just uneasy....either way your like every woman who is pregnant, you want to deliver a healty baby, and worrying is something that we all go through while pregnant, and I don't blame you. Congrats and good luck!

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When a lady is spotting for months what do that mean?

Either a woman is suffering from irregularity, she has an infection or some other disease, or she is pregnant.

Should a woman who is eight weeks pregnant expect her sexual urges to increase during pregnancy?

Everyone is different, but yes, it can happen.