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Only if you are 14. Otherwise, no.

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Q: Should Right testicle moves out of the scrotum into the abdomen?
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Is it a problem if your right testicle is not completely in the scrotum and slightly higher and behind the other testicle and immobile unlike the other and the scrotum on right side is underdeveloped?

Without seeing it is very difficult to say if this is a problem. It is absolutely normal for one testicle to be higher than the other, they do not hang at the same level as if they did they would knock painfully together when you walked. If you still think this is a problem please go and see a doctor who will be quite used to questions like this.

What could be the reason the the right testicle has a pulse?

As long as blood is pumping through the testicle then it should have a pulse, the left testicle should have a pulse too.

You can not attract your right testicle to upward but the left testicle is move and you feel lower sensation than left testicle is it a problem?

Any testicle problems should be taken to a doctor. There are many reasons for differences. See the link below.

How do you activate an artificial sphincter?

For males: There is a deactivation button (switch) at the top end of the pump. The pump is located in the scrotum. If the person is right handed, the pump will be located near the right testicle. FYI: If an artificial urinary sphincter fails, it will fail in the "open" position. Tom

What could cause pain in your scrotum?

I had a pain in my scrotum that was so unbearable that I couldn't move. It eventually went away and saw a doctor who told me that it was intermittent testicular torsion. If this is what you had, you need to see a doctor right away. It's when the testicle twists inside the scrotum and cuts off circulation. If this goes on long enough, it can "kill" the testicle.

Do males only come from the right testicle?


Does the male rabbit have the scrotum on top of its penis?

No, the male rabbit doesn't have the scrotum on top of his penis. Male rabbits have two scrotums located below the penis (closer to the anus), one right beside the other. In babies, the testes are in the rabbit's abdomen: they descend into the scrotum some time between 9-20 weeks. Adult male rabbits, when they're terrified, can also pull their testes back into the abdomen. A male rabbit who's been neutered won't have any scrotum because they'll have withered away. If your male rabbit has a lump above his penis, something is wrong. It could be a tumour, or maybe a parasite, or something else -- it's hard to say. You should bring the rabbit to the vet for treatment. See the related questions below for details.

Your child's left testicle is ok but right testicle is more in size and hard?

Anything unusual with testicles should be taken to a doctor. Testicles can have infections and swellings like other parts of the body. See the link below.

Is it normal to have a bigger testicle?

It is quite normal to have one larger testicle. It is estimated that in about 65% of men the lower hanging testicle is the left one. This is due to differences in the vascular anatomical structure on the right and left sides.

Does your right testicle drop down when you have an std?


What is right testicle for?

same as the left, making sperm and semen

Why doesnt my right ball work?

You may have an undescending testicle.