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Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Cervical cancer are not tested using blood samples. While you may have tested negative for these tests, the doctor may want a blood sample to run different tests.

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Q: Should I get bloodwork if I was negative for chlamydia gonorrhea and cervical?
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Can a gram stain detect chlamydia?

A gram stain cannot detect chlamydia. A gram stain in men that finds gram negative diplococci is considered diagnostic for gonorrhea, but it can't be used in females, and it can't prove chlamydia. A gram stain in men can be used to rule out gonorrhea and possibly diagnose "non-gonococcal urethritis" if a male has symptoms. However, although it may seem that NGU is synonymous with chlamydia, there are other possible causes.

What diseases does diplococci cause?

Gram negative diplococci cause chlamydia and gonorrhea. Gram positive cause pneumonia.

What does a negative chlamydia test mean?

A negative chlamydia test means you are not infected with the bacteria.

What shape is chlamydia?

Chlamydia trachomatis is coccoid and gram negative.

What type of bacteria is Chlamydia trachomatis?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. It is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, a gram-negative bacteria with a coccoid shape that is an obligate intracellular parasite. It is curable.

If you test negative for chlamydia are you good to go?

Both partners should be tested; you should not assume that you are negative for STDs based on your partner's test. Various situations can lead to one partner being negative and another positive. Don't take a chance.

What is a chlamydia culture?

A chlamydia culture is a particular type of chlamydia test that tries to grow the bacteria from a sample of body fluid. It is very difficult to do correctly, and so is not a very reliable test. A positive chlamydia culture can be believed, but there are many false negative chlamydia cultures. Talk with your health care provider about the right chlamydia test for your situation.

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Can you transmit chlamydia and test negative for it?

Yes, it is very possible. Many people can carry a bacteria or virus, then transfer it to another person (chlamydia and meningitis are good examples), and it is often that the second person gets the disease, without the first person ever being aware of their dangerous status.

Can a female test negative for chlamydia after having it for a long time?

The test for chlamydia remains reliable even if someone has been infected for years. Unlike syphilis, long term infection doesn't give a false negative result. However, a certain percentage of people appear to clear chlamydia infection on their own, so it's possible to have chlamydia in the past but test negative now even without taking treatment.

If you took ciprofloxacin would a chlamydia test be positive?

If you took an adequate dose of ciprofloxacin to cure chlamydia, the chlamydia test should be negative as long as you didn't get tested too soon after treatment.

Can you more than one false negative for chlamydia then get a positive after having PID?

The chances of a false negative chlamydia test result with the newest test kits may be as high as 10%. The chances of two false negative results are 1%, and of three are one in one thousand. Having a negative result followed by a positive normally means that you were infected with chlamydia between the first and second test.