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Q: Short branched extensions through which neurons receive signals?
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Short branched extensions of a neuron?

Dendrites are the short branched extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them towards the cell body. They play a crucial role in integrating incoming signals and allowing nerve cells to communicate with each other.

Does the dendrite form the superior part of the brain?

Dendrites are branched extensions of neurons that receive signals from other neurons. They are located throughout the brain, including in the cortex, which is considered the outermost and most superior part of the brain.

The part of the neuron that has branched extensions that are specialized to receive information are the?

dendrites. Dendrites are specialized structures on a neuron that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them towards the cell body. They play a crucial role in integrating information from multiple sources to determine the neuron's response.

Why do neurons have branched endings?

Neurons have branched endings, called dendrites, to receive signals from other neurons and transmit them towards the cell body. This branching allows neurons to integrate incoming signals from multiple sources and perform complex computations. The more branches a neuron has, the greater its capacity to communicate with other neurons.

Where is information first received by a nerve at?

Information is first received by a nerve at the dendrites, which are the branched extensions of a nerve cell that receive signals from other neurons. The dendrites collect incoming signals and transmit them to the cell body of the neuron for processing.

Dendrites are branching extensions of?

neurons that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body. They are covered in dendritic spines, where synapses with other neurons are formed.

What is a Short branched extensions that carry impulses to the nerve cell body are called?

Short branched extensions that carry impulses towards the nerve cell body are called dendrites. Dendrites receive incoming signals and transmit them to the cell body, where the information is integrated before being passed on to other neurons. They play a critical role in the communication between neurons within the nervous system.

What are extensions of a neuron that receive signals?

Dendrites are the extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons. They are responsible for transmitting electrical impulses towards the cell body of the neuron.

Dendrites are branching extensions of what?

Dendrites are the branching extensions of a neuron that receive incoming signals from other neurons. They serve as the main input sites for receiving information from neighboring neurons and play a crucial role in integrating and transmitting signals within the nervous system.

Cytoplasmic extensions of neurons that act as an antennae for the reception of nerve impulses from what other nerve cells?

Cytoplasmic extensions of neurons that act as an antennae for the reception of nerve impulses from other nerve cells are called dendrites. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons and transmit these signals to the cell body of the neuron.

Is neurons short hair like fibers that receives information?

Neurons are specialized cells that transmit electrical and chemical signals in the body. They have long, slender extensions called dendrites and axons that allow them to communicate with other neurons. Dendrites receive incoming signals, while axons transmit signals to other neurons or cells.

What are neuron's short arms called?

Neuron dendrites are the short arm-like extensions that receive signals from other neurons. They are responsible for transmitting these signals to the cell body.