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Or gas, indigestion, intestinal flu... who knows. If you want to know, ask your doctor.

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15y ago

Well its possible, or you have a really bad stomachache

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Q: Sharp pains in tummy can i be pregnant?
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You had sharp pain in left side off tummy then had a period?

It was probably ovulation pains, I get them pretty often

How far on can you be before you have any symptoms of being pregnant?

i got bad back ache and pains in my tummy

Why are you having sharp pains in your vagina at 36 weeks pregnant?

If you are at 36 weeks pregnant and having sharp vaginal pains, it could be caused by the cervix dilating. This can happen days or weeks prior to actual delivery.

Sharp vaginal pains at 8 months pregnant?

You need to call your doctor.

Is it possible you are pregnant because you got your period 2 weeks early and have been having tummy pains?

Yes it is.

During the first week that your pregnant do you get sharp pains in your stomach?

Not from the pregnancy.If you have sharp pains in your stomach, it is probably gas. If the pains don't go away within a few hours, or are very severe, see a health practitioner.

What if im not pregnant but you feel nauseated and im having pains in your uterus?

i dont know if i am pregnant but i think i am .. when someone pushes on my tummy it hurts whats going on ?

How soon will you feel sharp pains if you're pregnant?

No, any cramps or bleeding while pregnant is abnormal and usually the sign of a miscarriage. If this occurs during a pregnancy go to the hospital straight away.

You are having a very light period and sharp pains in the sides of your abdomen?

You might be pregnant - take a test

Im 22 weeks pregnant and im having very sharp chest pains?

it might be heart burn

Your mother is having sharp pains in her lower stomach not sure if its her abdomen but its moving upwards and is right above her bellybutton Sharp pains.. Not pregnant. serious?

It might be her appendix. I had that kind of pain too and I had to have my appendix taken out that night. go to the hostipal or call 911,

Can pre-ejaculate make you pregnant and what about vomiting and having a tummy bug on you favourite food drink a lot of water getting tummy pains at night and that happen 14days after my period?

Yes, pre-cum can make you pregnant. It still contains sperm. The "pull out" (rhythm) method of birth control is best used in conjunction with another form such as the pill, condoms, or spermicide. Your "tummy pains" can be anything from your body reacting to becoming sexually active, the flu, or your own worry making you sick.