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Yes it is safe.

I have been taking percocet and excedrin maximum strength for years,

but as always its safer to consult your doctor for reassurance due to the

face that nobody knows your current medical history.

I say yes.

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You should not combine Excedrin (whether Excedrin Extra Strength. Excedrin Migraine, Excedrin Menstrual, or Excedrin Back & Body) and meloxicam.

Excedrin contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin (a non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory), and caffeine.

Meloxicam (Mobic) is also a non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory.

Unless your doctor tells you she is comfortable with you taking both medications, you should avoid combining these medications. Taking too many NSAIDs can cause issues with bleeding such as causing stomach ulcers.

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Q: Safe to take excedrin migraine and percocet together?
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Can you take excedrin migraine and imitrex within 12 hours?

Yes, you can take Excedrin Migraine and Imitrex within 12 hours. You can even take them at the same time. Excedrin Migraine contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, and caffeine. All of these are safe to take with Imitrex - which is a triptan medication and works by a different mechanism than the medicines in Excedrin Migraine.

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yes, it will not harm or hurt you

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Excedrin (the same as Excedrin Migraine, the same as Excedrin Back & Body) contains three ingredients: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) which is safe. Caffeine which is also safe. The third ingredient is aspirin. Most physicians recommend not using aspirin in children until they are over 18 due to the risk of Reye's Syndrome.

Can you take Lorazepam with Excedrin PM?

Yes, you can take Lorazepam with Excedrin PM. Lorazepam is an anti-anxiety medication. Excedrin PM contains acetaminophen (Tylenol) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Both are safe to take with Lorazepam.

Can you take Sudafed non drowsy with ibuprofen?

You should not take Excedrin Migraine and Ibuprofen together, because Excedrin Migraine (and regular Excedrin Extra Strength) contains Aspirin, which is in the same NSAID category that Ibuprofen is. Taking them together can increase the risk of damage to the stomach lining, which can cause ulcers. It is not recommended to even take Ibuprofen with the low-dose aspirin used to prevent heart attack and stroke, because Ibuprofen can wipe out the protective quality you are taking the low-dose aspirin for. Excedrin Tension Headache contains the Acetaminophen and Caffeine, but not the Aspirin, and this would be safe to take with Ibuprofen.

Can you take Benadryl and Excedrin Migraine together?

Combining benadryl with excedrin under the recommended dose is not in and of itself harmful. Exceeding the recommended dose can be harmful and produce increased side effects. Always check with your Dr. before using more than the recommended dose.

Can you take percocet and Advil together?

While Percoset and Ibuprofen have no interaction (meaning you can take them together), it is not advised, as the combination is quite hard on the stomach lining. A good way to avoid this is to not take them together, but if you have to, do it with food.

What can be used instead of excedrin migraine?

If you are having actual migraines, you can ask your doctor for a prescription. Medications such as Fiorocet are effective for many people with migraines. If they are regular headaches, try regular Excedrin, but drink a soda or cup of coffee. One of the main ingredients in many migraine meds, including Excedrin Migraine, is caffeine. It can help take the edge off of a headache or migraine.

Is it safe to take percocet with hydrocodone?

It's only safe to take what your doctor has prescribed. I have never known of a doctor to prescribe both to be taken together.

Can you take excedrin and hydroxyzine?

When it comes to drug interaction, you should call your local pharmacy & speak to the pharmacist. He/She will be able to tell you "for sure" whether there is a problem mixing the two drugs. Better to be safe than sorry.

Can you take Excedrin migraine and fentanyl?

Only a doctor who is familiar with your personal health history as well as the other medicines, supplements and herbal preparations you are taking is qualified to tell you if these medicines are safe for you to take together in the same day. What may be safe for one person, may be dangerous for another. Additionally, the dosage of all these medicines is important to take into consideration as well as the time between doses taken. For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management of Migraine, please seek the help of a board certified Migraine and headache specialist who has had additional training and experience in headache medicine.

Can you take Flexeril and Excedrin together?

There are no dangerous interactions recorded between the two medications. It SHOULD be safe. Always contact your prescribing physician before mixing medications.