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Q: Sac like out pocketings pf the large intestine wall?
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What is the sacculation of the large intestine?

A series of bulges in the wall of the large intestine. Also called haustra.

Saclike outpocketings of the large intestine wall?

the Haustra

What is after the small intestine?

When the food reaches the small intestine the nutrients are absorbed into the blood through the intestine wall and then the food that was not digested goes to the large intestines where water is absorbed then it is excreted

What do the large and small do for your digestive system?

The large intestine absorbs water, and the small intestine uses small finger like things called villi take the nutrients and take it through the small intestine's wall throughout your body. Both have chemical digestion and small intestion has mechanical digestion.

What nutrient molecule passes through the wall of the digestive system into the blood?

the answer is the large intestine

How does large intestine absorb?

The small intestine absorbs glucose (sugar), fat, starch, and protein before passing it on to the large intestine.

What protects the wall of the large intestine from damage?

butter salt and pepper and any other seasonings you want

What is the finger like projects called that line the inside the small intestine wall called?

The finger-like projections that line the inside of the small intestine wall are called villi. They increase the surface area of the intestine, allowing for better absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.

Why is there finger-like structure at the wall of the small intestine?

The digested food will go to the inner wall and it will carry to the bloodstream

Finger-like structurs that coverthe inner wall of the small intestine?


What is the finger like structure that covers the inner wall of the small intestine?


What is a small finger like projection of the inner small intestine wall?

It is the appendix.