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Q: ST and T waves are elements of?
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How t find a waves frequency?

1/T, where T=period in seconds.

St words with a silent t?

words witn st silent

How do peaks and valleys create water waves?

Peaks and valleys to not create water waves, they are characteristic elements of water waves.

What are waves of communication?


Write a program to sort an array using quick sort?

# include <stdio.h> void quicksort(int a[],int st,int end); main() { int n,i,b[10],c[10]; printf("Enter the number of elements"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the elements 1 by 1 \n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&b[i]); c[i] = b[i]; } quicksort(b,0,n-1); printf("\tQUICK SORT\n"); printf("\t**********\n\n"); printf("\tNumbers \tSorted List\n"); printf("\t******** \t***********\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("\t%d\t\t%d\n",c[i],b[i]); } void quicksort(int a[],int st,int end) { int elt,low,high; low = st; high = end; elt = a[st]; while (st < end) { while ((a[end] >= elt) && (st < end)) end--; if (st != end) { a[st] = a[end]; st++; } while ((a[st] <= elt) && (st < end)) st++; if (st != end) { a[end] = a [st]; end--; } } a[st] = elt; elt = st; st = low; end = high; if ( st < elt) quicksort(a,st,elt-1); if (end > elt) quicksort(a,elt+1,end); } Enter the number of elements6 Enter the elements 1 by 1 34 12 9 0 45 123 QUICK SORT ********** Numbers Sorted List ******** *********** 34 0 12 9 9 12 0 34 45 45 123 123

What does abnormal t wave mean?

what causes abnormal t waves

In describing waves is the mathematical symbol used the waves period this quantity has units of?

T, seconds

What elements are found in the white foam around waves?


What are the elements in the white foam in waves?

Mostly whale sperm

What has the author P G J T Parkhouse written?

P. G. J. T. Parkhouse has written: 'Waves and oscillations' -- subject(s): Waves

Are sound waves made of atoms and elements?

No, sound waves are not made of atoms and elements. Sound waves are vibrations that travel through a medium, such as air, water, or solids, by causing particles in the medium to vibrate and transmit the sound energy.

What are the release dates for T and T - 1988 Wild Willy and the Waves 3-20?

T and T - 1988 Wild Willy and the Waves 3-20 was released on: USA: 19 May 1990 Netherlands: 7 December 1990