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Hepatitis C is believed to be transmitted only by blood. However, unlike many other blood borne viruses (like HIV) virtually any source of blood or blood products seems to be capable of carrying the virus, even if the source is indirect - like a used razor, for example.

Sexual transmission during both heterosexual and homosexual sex is less common, but has been shown to have occurred in a significant number of cases. Using a condom to prevent contact with each others' body fluids reduces the risk greatly.

,,some facts and percentages have been off due to persons not admitting they did drugs.. it must have been transmitted sexually, verses admitting it was iv drug use or tattoos, ear piercing , pedicures, a hair cut,,

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Q: Risks of getting hep c from sex?
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Can you get hep c from using a needle with your own old blood in it? long as it is only your own blood on the needle (it was a sterile needle before you used it) and you were the one getting stuck. You can only get hep C if someone else who has hep c used the needle before you did.

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Is Hep B more contagious than Hep C?

No spells no c is less contagious

Can you get hep c or hiv from snorting drugs?

You can ABSOLUTELY get Hepatitis C from snorting drugs as Hep C is a blood to blood transmission and if someone has Hep C and uses the straw with some blood in their nose and then passes it to you and you have cuts or open blood places in your nose that IS a blood to blood transmission. Hep C is only transmitted sexually if BLOOD is shared in your sex act. Hep C does not die when it hits the air, it can live up to 4 days. HIV dies as soon as it hits the air which is why it is sexually transmitted. Yes you can get Hep C by sharing needles but you can also get it INTRANASALLY so don't share straws, rolled $$, etc

What is true about hepatitis b and a?

They are sometimes caused by a virus. They can be prevented with a vaccine. Hep A and B can cause swelling or inflammation, and possible damage, to the liver. Hepat= liver itis= swelling, inflammation Thus: hepatitis= swelling or inflammation of the liver. There is also Hep C which is very hard and in some cases impossible to cure, and Hep C has no vaccine. Fortunately it is more rare to contract Hep C (mostly IV drug users or unprotected anal sex).

You were stabbed by a syringe that was used by someone infected with hep c will you get hep c?

It is definitely possible. Get checked out with a doctor.

What is true about both hepatitis A and B?

They are sometimes caused by a virus. They can be prevented with a vaccine. Hep A and B can cause swelling or inflammation, and possible damage, to the liver. Hepat= liver itis= swelling, inflammation Thus: hepatitis= swelling or inflammation of the liver. There is also Hep C which is very hard and in some cases impossible to cure, and Hep C has no vaccine. Fortunately it is more rare to contract Hep C (mostly IV drug users or unprotected anal sex).

Where can you get help if you are in full detox and have Hep C?

If you are in full detox and have hep C you should call a crisis center in your area.

How long does hep c vaccine last for?

There is no hep C vaccine. Please check your vaccination card and resubmit your question.

When should you start medicine for hep c?

when should you start takeing medicine for hep c whats the highest levels

Can chickenpox virus cause hepatitis C or is it in any way related to hep c?

no its very so much diffrent hep c has nothing to do with it

Do you need hep A injection if you had hep B?

Yes, Hep A and Hep B are to different viruses. Each have their own series of injections to boost immunity. There is no Immunization for Hep C. Good luck.