

Best Answer

Respiration isn't breathing, It is the breakdown of Glucose using oxygen to give us energy which we use. This happens in every single cell in our body. The waste Produce it Co2.

CampHill Student,

Many Thanks to Miss Rollason


Respiration isn't breathing, It is the breakdown of Glucose using oxygen to give us energy which we use. This happens in every single cell in our body. The waste Produce it Co2.

CampHill Student,

Many Thanks to Miss Rollason


Respiration isn't breathing, It is the breakdown of Glucose using oxygen to give us energy which we use. This happens in every single cell in our body. The waste Produce it Co2.

CampHill Student,

Many Thanks to Miss Rollason


Respiration isn't breathing, It is the breakdown of Glucose using oxygen to give us energy which we use. This happens in every single cell in our body. The waste Produce it Co2.

CampHill Student,

Many Thanks to Miss Rollason


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Q: Respiration is breathing isn't it
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breathing but breathing along with cellular respiration would be called respiration

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Repiration and Breathing are not the same process. Respiration is converting glucose to useable energy.

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