No. It always indicates that the object is not accelerating.
Tuberculosis is a disease that is always caused by a bacterial infection, specifically Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
It is almost always associated with otitis media, an infection of the middle ear.
A capital letter always starts a sentence.
Not always. If a urinary tract infection goes untreated, it can progress into a kidney infection, but that does not always happen. If the infection is treated early enough, it can be stopped from getting worse and spreading.
You always have white discharge. But you can get medicine at a pharmacy that will get rid of your infection.
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Not necessarily. A zero slope on a velocity vs time graph indicates that the object's velocity is constant, not that it is not moving. If the velocity is zero and remains zero, then the object is not moving.
As with any type of surgery, infection is always a possibility. Staff infection is very common, especially if you have to stay in the hospital for an extended period of time.