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Q: Prolonged tourniquet application may cause a change in blood composition primarily because of?
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What instrument did Aaron Guerra play?

Aaron Guerra is a member of the band Tourniquet. The band Tourniquet is primarily a Christian metal band. Aaron Guerra is a guitarist, and therefore plays the guitar.

What is composition of Saturn atmosphere?

The composition of Saturn's atmosphere is primarily hydrogen and helium. There are trace amounts of oxygen, methane, ammonia and nitrogen.

Chemistry is primarily concerned with the composition of and changes in what?

Chemistry is primarily concerned with the composition of matter and the changes that occur in that matter. It focuses on understanding the structure of atoms, molecules, and how they interact to form new substances through chemical reactions.

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Stacks are primarily used to implement backtracking algorithms.

What is Jupiter's composition in percent?

Jupiter's composition is primarily hydrogen (about 75%) and helium (about 24%). The rest of its composition consists of trace elements such as methane, ammonia, water, and other compounds.

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Jupiter's chemical composition is most similar to that of the Sun, composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.

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Titan is primarily composed of water ice and rocky material

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Chemists are primarily interested in studying physical changes, which involve a change in appearance or state of matter without a change in composition, and chemical changes, which involve a change in the chemical composition of a substance.

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to primarily measure the size of a population , composition and attribution and changes in the number of pe0ple

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Jupiter is mostly gasses- 75% hydrogen 25% helium

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"Primarily composed" means that something is mainly made up of or created from a particular element or material. It implies that this element or material is the main component or feature of the overall composition.

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