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If a person is infected with Hepatitis B, the vaccine will have no effect. The vaccine contains proteins from the virus, and these are already present in the person's body, and the immune system has already responded to them.

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10y ago

Following the primary course of 3 vaccinations, a blood test may be taken after an interval of 1-4 months to establish if there has been an adequate response, which is defined as an anti-hepatitis B antigen (anti-Hbs) antibody level above 100 mIU/ml. Such a full response occurs in about 85-90% of individuals so it have 10% to 20% chances of being infected by disease after vaccination.

Also Hepatitis B vaccine are able to create immunity upto for 25 yrs or more so the chances of hepatitis infection is more if vaccination is not done for that much time and it is seen in some immunocomptent patient to not respond for vaccine after 2-5 years

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Q: Possibility of getting hepatitis b after vaccination?
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Can you eat before having a hepatitis B vaccination?

Yes, you can eat before receiving a Hepatitis B vaccination.

Can the hepatitis b vaccination cause hepatitis b?

No. It's not a live vaccine.

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What is the dose given at single shot hepatitis b vaccination?

0.5ml of vaccine to be given either im /s.c at every single shot of hepatitis B vaccination .

Is hepatitis b vaccination live or dead?

Dead and it cannot cause infection. It is a subunit vaccine.

Is it possible to transfer the virus even if you're vaccinated with hepatitis B?

There is no vaccination available for hepatitis C as of early 2015.

Which types of jaundice can be prevented by vaccination?

Vaccines for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and yellow fever can prevent jaundice due to viral infection.

Why is the hepatitis B vaccination recommended for most hemodialysis patients?

Because there is a great deal of blood exposure involved in dialysis treatment, a slight risk of contracting hepatitis B and hepatitis C exists

Is hepatitis b vaccination a one off thing?

No it is not. There are at least 3 shots; possibly 4.

When hepatitis virus has no vaccine to prevent the disease?

Hepatitis C and hepatitis E have no vaccine to prevent the disease. Although there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis D, you can only get this type if you're also infected with type B. Therefore, hepatitis B vaccine indirectly prevents hepatitis D.

Can vaccination cure hepatitis b virus?

I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC (ww w.ultimatelifeclinic. com) in March, 2020. Their treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing

What can help prevent Hepatitis B and D?

prevention of hepatitis b and d is vaccination ,and blood scaring very must,sexually transmission us condom very time ,and obey the teaching of islam