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Q: Portion of the urinary bladder
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Related questions

What is the muscular portion of the urinary bladder called?

The muscular bag inside a body is called the stomach. It helps the digestive system to store food before it is processed into other forms.

What is a human bladder neck?

A human bladder neck is a constricted portion of the urinary bladder, which is formed by the meeting of its inferolateral surfaces proximal to the opening of the urethra.

What is a cystoplasty?

A cystoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reconstructing or enlarging a portion of the bladder using tissues from other parts of the body or synthetic materials. It is commonly performed to increase bladder capacity, improve bladder function, or treat conditions like urinary incontinence or bladder dysfunction.

The urinary bladder is grossly unremarkable?

urinary bladder is unremarkable

Is the bladder in the excretory system?

NO, the urinary bladder is part of the urinary system.

What is an augmentation cystoplasty?

An augmentation cystoplasty is a surgical procedure in which a portion of the intestine is connected to the bladder for greater ease of urinary voiding.

What lies betweenthe two umbilical vessels?

urinary bladder

The kidneys and urinary bladder are components of the?

They are both in the excretory system...the kidney cleans the liquid waste and the urinary bladder holds it

After leaving the kidney where does the filtrate go?

Urine flows from kidney to the urinary bladder through ureters. Urinary bladder collects and from urinary bladder it goes outside the body through urethra

What body organ stores urine?

The bladder is the body organ that stores urine before it is eliminated from the body through urination.

What is the area in the urinary bladder that is bordered by the three orifices of the bladder?

The trigone is between the three orifices of the urinary bladder.

What is the meaning of urinary bladder?

The Urinary Bladder is located true Pelvis. This is the part of the pelvis thay is smaller and between Ischial and Pubis bones of each side (ie not the between the Illium bones). It lied at the Posterion of this area.