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Blood platelet levels are sometimes seen in alcoholics and may be caused by an alcohol-induced enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), folate (one of the B vitamins) deficiency, but most frequently, a direct toxic effect of alcohol on production, survival time, and function of platelets. Platelet count begins to rise after 2 to 5 days' abstinence from alcohol. The alcohol-induced condition is generally reversible with abstinence, and clinically significant hemorrhage is rare.

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Q: Platelet levels and alcohol abuse
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How can you increase your platelet levels?

increase iron intake......a proper diet will help you as well... also avoid alcohol as it decreases the platelet level

What are normal platelet levels?

Between 150,000 and 400,000.

Who are the groups who most commonly abuse alcohol?

Alcohol abuse cuts across all levels and divisions of society, but the most likely people to be abusing at any given time in Western cultures are young adults (18 - 25).

What is the percent of alcohol being involved in spouse abuse?

99.9% of spouse abuse is caused by alcohol abuse.

Does a hyperactive spleen cause platelet deficiency?

No, a hyperactive spleen does not directly cause platelet deficiency. Platelet deficiency is typically due to decreased platelet production in the bone marrow or increased platelet destruction in the body, such as in immune thrombocytopenia. However, a splenic disorder or enlargement can sometimes lead to increased platelet destruction and contribute to low platelet levels.

What does ethol abuse mean?

alcohol abuse

What percent of animal abuse involves alcohol?

42% of animal abuse was involved with alcohol in 2005.

Can alcohol cause Alcohol abuse and alcoholism?

Yes anxiety is very common and even inevitable in those who abuse alcohol and or drugs.

What is the toll of alchohol abuse on American society?

Alcohol abuse in American society can take a big toll. The effects of alcohol abuse include alcohol poisoning, domestic violence, driving under the influence, child abuse and death.

Is alcohol abuse a stress related illness?

Alcohol abuse is not an illness but a behavior. The same is true of alcoholism.

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why central nervous system stimulant is contraindicated in alcohol abuse

Is alcohol abuse the same as alcohol addiction?

yes it is.