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Perncious anemia is caused by the body's inability to absorb the vitamin B12 from the gastrointestinal tract, due to a loss of gastric parietal cells. Regular B12 supplementation can keep pernicious anemia at bay, though it is not a complete cure. B12 is a vitamin obtained from meat and dairy products.

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Q: Pernicious anemia is due to lack of what vitamin?
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Explain the relation between vitamin b12 and pernicious anemia?

Pernicious anemia is caused by the body's inability to absorb vitamin B12 properly, leading to a deficiency in this essential nutrient. Vitamin B12 is necessary for the production of red blood cells, and without it, the body cannot make enough healthy red blood cells, causing anemia. Treatment typically involves vitamin B12 supplementation to address the deficiency.

Inadequate intrinsic factor is associated with?

Inadequate intrinsic factor is associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, as intrinsic factor is necessary for the absorption of this essential nutrient in the gut. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to symptoms such as anemia, fatigue, and neurological problems. It is commonly seen in individuals with pernicious anemia or autoimmune conditions affecting the stomach lining.

What is the disease caused by the lack of minerals?

There are many. The most common is rickets in the young, osteoporosis in the old, and is caused by a lack of calcium. Anemia is the result of iron deficiency. A separate form of anemia (pernicious anemia) is due to cobalt deficiency.

Why oral administration of vitamin B12 not effective as a treatment of pernicious anemia?

Oral administration of vitamin B12 is not effective for pernicious anemia because the condition involves a lack of intrinsic factor, which is needed for the absorption of B12 in the intestines. Without intrinsic factor, the intestines are unable to absorb enough B12 from oral supplements to treat the deficiency. In such cases, B12 injections are typically used for effective treatment.

Lack of vitamin b?

Beriberi is caused by a lack of vitamin B1, pellagra by a lack of vitamin B3, while pernicious anemia is due to a lack of vitamin B12. A lack of Vitamin B is simply called a Vitamin B Deficiency.

What is pernicious anemia and it's symptoms?

This is anaemia (lowered blood haemoglobin) due to a lack of vitamin B12 absorbed from the intestinal tract, due to a lack of intrinsic factor usually. This can be due to auto antibodies against the cells that produce intrinsic factor, stomach ulcers crowding out the cells that produce intrinsic factor, a hereditary lack of intrinsic factor or the after effects of surgery, illness or fish tapeworm. This gives a macrocytic anaemia. Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune disease that renders the person unable to absorb sufficient Vitamin B-12. Eventually the person becomes Vitamin B-12 deficient and must be treated. Prior to the availability of treatment persons died from the disease, hence the name pernicious. It is critical that treatment be obtained as soon as possible. You can find more information at the following website:

Who gets Pernicious anemia?

Pernicious or megaloblastic anemia is mainly caused due to deficiency of either Vitamin B12, or Folic acid or both. risk groups are pregnant lady(mainly folate is the cause) strict vegetarian(vit b12 is only found in animal sources) malabsorbtion syndrome(like problem with enteric factor of castle).

How many types of anemia are here?

There are several types of anemia. The term means without blood. It could be caused by excessive bleeding or damage to the bone marrow. Anemia is one of the most common disorders of the blood. It can be due to excessive blood loss or hemorrhage. Or deficient red blood cell production. Anemia can be classified in several ways: macrocytic anemia, normocytic anemia, microcytic anemia. Some of the more familiar ones are: pernicious anemia due to lack or low B12, iron deficiency anemia due to lack of iron, thalassemia, lead toxicity anemia, hypothyroidism, aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, Rh disease, and renal infection among others.

What is pernicious anemea?

This is anaemia (lowered blood haemoglobin) due to a lack of vitamin B12 absorbed from the intestinal tract, due to a lack of intrinsic factor usually. This can be due to auto antibodies against the cells that produce intrinsic factor, stomach ulcers crowding out the cells that produce intrinsic factor, a hereditary lack of intrinsic factor or the after effects of surgery, illness or fish tapeworm. This gives a macrocytic anaemia. Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune disease that renders the person unable to absorb sufficient Vitamin B-12. Eventually the person becomes Vitamin B-12 deficient and must be treated. Prior to the availability of treatment persons died from the disease, hence the name pernicious. It is critical that treatment be obtained as soon as possible. You can find more information at the following website:

What is perniciousness?

This is anaemia (lowered blood haemoglobin) due to a lack of vitamin B12 absorbed from the intestinal tract, due to a lack of intrinsic factor usually. This can be due to auto antibodies against the cells that produce intrinsic factor, stomach ulcers crowding out the cells that produce intrinsic factor, a hereditary lack of intrinsic factor or the after effects of surgery, illness or fish tapeworm. This gives a macrocytic anaemia. Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune disease that renders the person unable to absorb sufficient Vitamin B-12. Eventually the person becomes Vitamin B-12 deficient and must be treated. Prior to the availability of treatment persons died from the disease, hence the name pernicious. It is critical that treatment be obtained as soon as possible. You can find more information at the following website:

Disease caused due to lack of vitamin A?

night blindness is cuased due to the lack of vitamin eye .

What is the reason of having a anemia?

Two major forms of Anemia have been found in biological sciences, the "Megalo-Blastic Anemia" caused due to deficiency of Vitamin B 12 or the Cyano- Cobalamine and thye other one being the "Pernicious Anemia" caused due to lack of Iron in the diet. Women are more prone to the anemic conditions as they loose blood cells frequently and are mostly diet conscious which may lead to deprivation of iron minerals in there body. In certain cases, the first type caused due to B 12 deficiency may be linked to chromosomes and hence may show phenomena of inheritance.