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It is possible that you could have mistaken your period for implantation bleeding. You should probably consider taking a pregnacny test.

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Q: Period was four days late arrived light but you have been feeling really sick and tired for a couple of weeks why?
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You are feeling tired bloated and you are bleeding but you are not supposed to get your period yet what is the cause for this?

you should really see a doctor

What does it mean when you are bleeding a couple days after protected sex?

You started your period or something is really wrong.

How long are you on the period?

when you get it, usually for the first couple of years your period is erratic and skips months, and lasts really long or really short. after a while, your period regulates and only lasts about a week or a little longer per month

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When you're feeling blue due to your period, try to do something you really enjoy. Focusing on a favorite activity may cheer you up. If nothing seems to work and this happens frequently during your periods, you should discuss it with your doctor.

Does You Period Help You Grow Taller?

It is my professional opinion that you are really short, and your period actually does make you grow. It is quite frequent that girls/women start a growth spurt after that they had their period for a couple of months.

First day of period august 2 had unprotected sex on august 21 period four days late?

Give it a couple of more days, then take a test. You were really asking for it.

When you are on your period does it feel like you have peed on yourself?

Not really. There are time if not using a tampon that if you cough or laugh or stand from sitting it can feel like its streaming out but you will be having a heavy period for this to happen, so in a way, like a peeing feeling but not from the area where pee comes from. If you go through this and dont want to use a pad a tampon will help in not feeling this gushing feeling.

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Most do yes but after a really long time like if they are there for over a couple of years.

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I sometimes get really bad cramps two days before my period. It has happen to me a few times. Don't stress it should come. Give it a couple of days

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Yes, in the sense of being an emotional condition, often called a "feeling."

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