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Tay-Sachs can happen to anyone of any heritage. French Canadians, Louisianan Cajuns and Askhenazi Jews are all considered high risk with a carrier rate of 1/27. Preliminary data suggests people of Irish / British Isle descent are at an increased risk between 1/50 and 1/150. The gene occurs in the general population at a rate 1/250.

All couples should see a genetic counselor before getting pregnant to discuss which diseases are appropriate for them.

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13y ago

Tay-Sachs disease is particularly common among Jewish people of Eastern European and Russian (Ashkenazi) origin. About one out of every 3,600 babies born to Ashkenazi Jewish couples will have the disease. Tay-Sachs is also.

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1 in every 250 for the general public

1 in every 27 for Jewish decent

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No population has a high number, because the diseases kiss by the age of five.

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About one out of every 3,600 babies born to Ashkenazi Jewish couples will have the disease. Tay-Sachs is also more common among certain French-Canadian and Cajun French families.

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The highest risk seems to be in people of Eastern European and Russian Jewish (Ashkenazi) descent.

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African Americans

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