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If you are bulemic, your body isn't getting any nourishment. It's response is to hold on to it's fat stores (and possibly take as much fat as it can out of the food while it's in your stomach) because it thinks that there is not going to be any food for a while. It's a survival technique.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Overweight people might become bulimic as a dangerous and un-healthy way to lose weight. Not all bulimics lose weight, either. Some may remain at their weight and some bulimics may even gain some weight.

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13y ago

I've sufferd with bulimia for 3 and a half times you do loose weight depending on how much you are throwing up after binges..sometimes you put weight on because you are eating just a ridiculous amount of food and not vomiting enough.

I'ts like a weight differs between 8 stone 5 pounds to 9 stone 7 pounds!

When you do loose weight you tend to loose it very quickly because your eating very little and what you do eat you throw up,but when you "try" to start to eat normally you put on the weight back on just as fast.

Your weight is constantly up and down. I've never been over weight personally. For me bulimia isn't just about being "thin" its a way of cant get out of.

Eating a "normal,balanced,diet" is the most difficult thing for a bulimic person can manage. It's either one extreme to the other ; eating hardly anything OR just way too much. It becomes a brutal chore.

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14y ago

i have the same problem. i am bulimic but i am gaining weight. the reason is because i dont throw up on time. i am so worn out that i sometimes forget to throw up and fall asleep.

when i was more into my bulimia i would throw everything up until i had blood coming out. that is how i maintained my weight for so long and was able to eat everything i wanted. now im to the point that i cant be as dedicated anylonger. You are probably not throwing up immediatly and you need to drink plenty of fluids so it is easier to throw all of it up.

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Related questions

Does weight often fluctuate when you have bulimia?

actually no, you tend to stay about the same, in a lot of cases people stay at a normal to slighly overweight weight.

What do girls do who have bulemia?

When girls have Bulimia Nervosa, they binge (meaning they eat lots and lots, more than the normal amount a person would eat) then purge or upchuck. The girl with Bulimia purges because she may think that she is overweight. This is one reason but not necessarily all the reasons.

Were is Bulimia located?

Bulimia is a psychologically induced medical condition, not a place. People who have it feel the need to make themselves throw up after eating because they feel guilty or overweight (regardless of whether they really are). It's much more complex than that, but that's a very basic description.

What disorder is characterized by binging and purging?

It's not an eating disorder 'caused by', but rather 'classified by' and it is known as Bulimia Nervosa. Google it.

How do you talk to your husband about bulimia?

bulimia is a eating disorder.ok bulimia is a eating disorder.ok

What are the types of bulimia?

there are 2 types of bulimia, they are Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Eating Disorder.

How close to a healthy weight do people with bulimia usually stay?

Purging doesn't get rid of all the calories, actually hardly any unfortunately. Thus, most bulimics are either a healthy weight or overweight.

Is their an incubation period for bulimia?

No bulimia does not have a incubation period

Did Diana have bulimia?

Yes, Princess Diana did have bulimia.

Who is the patron saint for bulimia?

There is no patron saint of bulimia.

Did Twiggy have bulimia?

Twiggy had a three-year bout of bulimia

How common is Bulimia?

About one percent of women suffer from bulimia