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Q: Other nutrients released during digestive process?
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What does the large intestine do during the digestive process?

It reabsorbs water and soluble nutrients into the bloodstream, leaving faeces.

At what point during the digestive process does your body begin to receive energy from the food?

When the food goes to your stomach and the food releases nutrients to the body

Can Oxygen be absorbed through the digestive system?

No, oxygen cannot be absorbed through the digestive system. Oxygen is absorbed by the lungs during the process of respiration, where it is exchanged with carbon dioxide. The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients, not gases like oxygen.

Name the part of the digestive system where food spends the most time?

The small intestine is where food spends the most time during the digestive process. This is where nutrients from food are absorbed into the bloodstream before the remaining waste moves to the large intestine.

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What are the nutrients and the materials cells take in and products that are released during photosynthesis?

After digestion how do animals get nutrients?

animals get nutrients during digestion. the good stuff is absorbed through the digestive tract while the waste comes out of the anus.

What chemical changes occur during the digestive process?

Cellular respiration

Is it true that when food passes through the digestive tract it becomes less complex and the nutrients are more readily available to the body?

Yes, during the digestive process, food is broken down into simpler forms through mechanical and chemical digestion. This allows nutrients to be more readily absorbed by the body through the intestinal wall, where they can then be used for various bodily functions.

What are the hormones secreted from small intestine during digestion process?

The secrete gastric juice and the digestive hormones are secreted from the small intestines during the digestion process.

Where does osmosis occur in the digestive system?

Osmosis occurs in the small intestine during the process of nutrient absorption. Water moves through the semi-permeable membrane of the intestinal cells to maintain osmotic balance, allowing nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Are digestive enzymes necessary for mechanical digestion?

No, digestive enzymes are not necessary for mechanical digestion. Mechanical digestion involves the physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces through actions like chewing and churning, while digestive enzymes are responsible for breaking down food chemically into nutrients that can be absorbed by the body during the process of chemical digestion.

What is the lower opening of the digestive tract?

The lower opening of the digestive tract is called the anus. It is where waste material from the body is expelled during the process of defecation.