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The liver is the most important organ affected in yellow fever.

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Q: Organs affected by yellow fever
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Related questions

Who was the person most affected with yellow fever?

the person most affected by yellow fever was all the kids under 15 years old.

What age groups are most likely affected by yellow fever?

There are a few different age groups that Yellow Fever affected the most. Yellow Fever tended to affect young children, elderly, and those with a compromised immune system the most.

How many people are affected by yellow fever every year?

about 7%

Is yellow fever real?

Each year you have over 200,000 people affected by yellow fever. Almost 30,000 people die due to yellow fever each year. It is common in tropical Africa and South America.

What does Skittles mean in spanish?

It means that you have multicolored organs and you will eventually die of yellow fever.

How can you not get yellow fever?

where yellow fever is not there

Is Yellow Fever or Jungle Yellow Fever deadlier?

totz jungle yellow fever

Who discoverd yellow fever?

who dicoverd yellow fever?

How is the yellow fever caused?

Yellow fever is caused by a virus that is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. These mosquitoes thrive in and near human habitations where they breed in even the cleanest water. Most cases of yellow fever occur in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America. Many humans and even monkeys are affected by this disease.

What disease killed workers of the panama canal?

Malaria and Yellow Fever killed most workers.

Is yellow fever viral?

yellow fever is caused by a virus

What type of disease is the yellow fever?

Yellow fever is a virus.