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Q: On what kind of nuts can pictures hang?
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If it's your house do what you want hang the pictures on the floor if you feel like it stop caring what other people think

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Your nuts hang loww

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My nuts

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dese nuts

How many nuts in a Tbsp?

Depends what kind of nuts

What to use to hang artwork on wall?

You can use Command products to hang pictures without nails or ruining the walls.

What kind of nuts do porcupines eat?

They love pine nuts

Do gerbils eat nuts?

depends what kind of nuts mine does cause i don't feed it nuts

What types of features are offered by the UK Nuts site?

The UK Nuts website is a website that has vulgar videos, trailers, and pictures of women. This website should not be mentioned on this website as it contains vulgar pictures and information.

How high should pictures hang in bathroom?

Its good to hand pictures at an average eye level. Pictures should not be hung higher than a door frame.

Law on taking pictures?

What kind of pictures? Where?

What hangs by the fire place?

If it is Christmas you hang stockings, decorations such as bells or ornaments. Other than Christmas you can hang pictures I suppose.