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I started allergy shots when I was seven. It took two or three years for me to start noticing a difference, but then they worked wonders. Before I started them my Allergies were so bad sometimes it was like I was actually sick. Just five years later I barely got congested and, though, when I started the shots I was allergic to dogs, I could actually own one. They really hurt A LOT less than a flu shot or something similar and they are totally worth it. It's also best to start young because then it starts working quicker. Your toddler will complain about them and probably won't like them or want to do it, but it's so much better to get shots and be allergy free.

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Q: Of you that have had your toddler start allergy shots have they been worth it does it work?
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Very likely. My twin sons were about two when we converted into toddler beds (kept leaping out) and are still in them at 3. I have a feeling we will have them another year before we make a transition to "big-boy" beds. Good luck!

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