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The bladder receives motor innervation from both sympathetic fibers, most of which arise from the hypogastric plexuses and nerves, and parasympathetic fibers, which come from the pelvic splanchnic nerves and the inferior hypogastric plexus.

Ahmed Urbizo

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Q: Nerve supply of the urinary bladder?
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The trigone is between the three orifices of the urinary bladder.

What is the meaning of urinary bladder?

The Urinary Bladder is located true Pelvis. This is the part of the pelvis thay is smaller and between Ischial and Pubis bones of each side (ie not the between the Illium bones). It lied at the Posterion of this area.

What is the duct leading to the urinary bladder?

The duct leading to the urinary bladder is the ureter, which carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder for storage until it is expelled from the body during urination.