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decreasing amplitude

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Q: Nerve impulses are conducted along an axon without decrement This means the action potentials are conducted without?
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How are the heart impulses detected?

The Pacemaker cells of the Sinoatrial Node spontaneously initiates the impulse. Without stimulation from nerve fibers or any other outside agents, the nodal cells initiate impulses that spread into the surrounding myocardium and stimulate cardiac muscle fibers to contract.

Do action potentials become weaker with distance?

No, action potentials do not become weaker with distance. They maintain their strength as they propagate along the length of the neuron due to the regenerative nature of the process. This ensures that the signal can travel long distances without weakening.

Spontaneous firing rate of a neuron?

a periodic production of action potentials even without synaptic input

Which nerve fiber do impulses travel slowly?

Unmyelinated nerve fibers conduct impulses more slowly than myelinated nerve fibers. Myelinated nerve fibers have a fatty substance called myelin sheath that allows for faster transmission of impulses compared to unmyelinated fibers without this sheath.

What Freudian term attempts to satisfy drives without concern for moral restrictions or societal regulations?

The term that describes satisfying one's impulses without regard for societal norms is "id." The id operates based on the pleasure principle, seeking immediate gratification of desires and impulses without considering the consequences or morality.

What will Excel do if you drag the fill handle to the left or up?

It can have various affects, depending on how you to do it. Excel will decrement the series if you also press the Ctrl key. It can also create a normal incrementing series. If there are values already in the cells, it will erase them.

What is the 4 Amendment?

The right to privacy and that a search can't be conducted without a legal reason or a warrant.

How is it possible for the GI tract to have complete reflex arcs without having to pass impulses through the central nervous system?


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What is the relationship between myelin and the propagation speed of action potentials?

Myelin acts as an insulating layer around axons, which helps to speed up the propagation of action potentials. The presence of myelin prevents the dissipation of electrical signals and allows for faster transmission of nerve impulses along the axon. Without myelin, action potentials would propagate more slowly due to the need for continuous regeneration of the signal along the entire length of the axon.

How are blind taste tests conducted?

The use of the blind taste tests can keep people buying what people sale. They are conducted with the use of the people who do seek to select & try it without name of the selection on it.

What stops the transmission of pain impulses to the brain and spinal cord by preventing the perception of pain?

Non-narcotic analgesics work to stop the transmission of pain impulses by preventing the perception of pain. In low dosages, these drugs are available at drug stores without a prescription.