Semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris ... The hamstrings
The ischial tuberosities, also known as the sit bones, receive the weight of the body when sitting. They are the bony prominences at the bottom of the pelvis that make contact with a chair or surface when seated.
The lowest structure of the hipbone is the ischial tuberosity, which is the bony prominence you can feel when you sit down. It acts as an attachment point for various muscles and ligaments that support the hip joint.
the hamstring muscles must have these features:they must originate from the ischial tuberosity. they must be inserted into either tibia or fibula.they must not have any attachment to the femur.they must be supplied by the tibial part of the sciatic nerve.they must acts as extensor of the hip joint and flexor of the knee joint.with the above qualifications, the following muscles are considered as the hamstring muscles:semimembranosus.semitendinosus.both are (extensors of hip & flexors & medial rotators of knee joint). long head of biceps femoris
The most inferior portion of the pelvis is called the ischium, which is one of the three bones that make up the os coxae (hip bone). It is located at the lower and posterior part of the pelvis, providing support when sitting.
The sit down bone is commonly referred to as the ischial tuberosity, which is located at the bottom of the coxal bone (hip bone). It serves as the attachment point for muscles of the hip and thigh, providing support when sitting.
The weight of the body when sitting is distributed between the seat surface and the supporting structure beneath it, typically a chair or a bench. The seat surface supports the majority of the body's weight, while the supporting structure transfers this weight to the floor.
The "quadriceps" are made up of four muscles; Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis, and Vastus Intermedius. They all insert into the Tibial tuberosity (small bump on the upper tibia) but their origins differ. Rectus Femoris originates from the anterior inferior iliac spine (bump on the ilium). Vastus medialis, lateralis, and intermedius originate from the upper shaft of the femur.
The gluteal muscles The gluteus maximus is the uppermost of the three muscles. It is the largest of the gluteal muscles and one of the strongest muscles in the human body (see Muscle). It inserts at the iliotibial band and the gluteal tuberosity of the femur. Its action is to extend and outwardly rotate hip, and extend the trunk. Powerlifting exercises which are known to significantly strengthen the gluteus maximus include the squat and the deadlift. The leg press also uses the gluteus maximus.
Though usually described as a single insertion, the deltoid insertion is divided into two or three areas. Insertion is on the deltoid tuberosity on the middle of the lateral aspect of the shaft of the humerus
The tri-radiate cartilage is the growth-plate of Iliac,Ischial and Pubic bones and it is Y shaped.It basically unites these three hip bones.
that is an enormously vague and unhelpful question. there are many muscles in the body. Skeletal muscles attach to bones Smooth (invoulentary) muscles generally attatch to and originate in tissues Cardiac (heart) muscle is contained within the heart. These are the three types of muscle in the body. Some common examples: biceps brachii muscle: scapula and radius pectoralis major muscle: ribs, clavicle, sternum and humerus.
Llamas did NOT originate in the United States. Llamas came from S. America