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Tell you parents to take you to a dentist. It may be a baby tooth about to come out, or a regular tooth that needs attention. Do not delay this.

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Q: My tooth hurts so bad when i chew or even move it It hurts sooooo bad Im 9 by the way What can i do?
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You are 24 could your wisdom tooth be just coming up?

Sure it can!! It depends on the individual, sometimes it might even come when you are arround 18 years old! It is normal it is coming up now...take care,it hurts!

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Don't eat anything too hot or too cold, just warm until the nerve eventually dies. Try to avoid breathing through the mouth if possible.

How do you pull a tooth without hurting?

Wiggle it daily with a napkin in case it starts bleeding, a way that I do it is go for a car ride and I hold it and tug it up a little. You may bounce up and it come out. For foods you can chew some gum on that tooth and it'll it wiggle more and fall out. Chew softly on some ice ( This one may hurt a lot more than the gum ) Hope this helped!

Is it rare to have a baby tooth as an adult?

not as much as you think. It actually happens quite often. when it does, you treat that tooth as a permanent tooth and fill cavities. You can even crown a baby tooth if there is no permanent tooth underneath it. If you have a permanent tooth under it, they usually extract the baby tooth.

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Should you pull a tooth out not really loose just wiggles a little but it aches a lot?

If it is a permanent tooth, it shouldn't be wiggling or aching, so you should see your dentist to see if anything is wrong. Don't try to pull it out. If it is a baby tooth, it is possible that it hurts because it is just beginning to get loose, and that could also be why it is wiggly. However, there could also be something wrong with the tooth, so it is a good idea to see a dentist. Pulling it on your own is not recommended, because it would be very painful if it is not very loose, and you may not even be able to get it out.