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use botanical white products

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Q: My teeth is yellow i used to brush twice daily but it's not becoming white what will i do?
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Why teeth is becoming yelow?

ew go brush your teeth

Why are Chris Johnson's teeth yellow?

he does not brush teeth

How do your teeth turn all white Mine is yellow and when I brush my teeth it's still yellow I brush my teeth good what do I do to get them white?

suck a black cock

How do you cure yellowed teeth?

how to cure yellow teeth. . . make up a little mixture: bicarboniate of soda and lemon juice. mix it together and brush onto your teeth leave for 5minutes and rinse off. and you will be yellow teeth free! =)

Y does Dylan have yellow teeth?

HE doesnt brush his teeth!!

Do I have to brush my teeth daily?

You don't HAVE to, but if you do not want a cavity or gum disease then you should brush at least twice a day. Not to mention you will have horrible smelling breath if you do not brush your teeth daily.

Why do mice have such yellow teeth?

mice have yellow teeth because they eat a lot of cheese and they cant brush.

Why do I have to brush my teeth?

You don't want to have a stinky mouth full of yellow teeth, do you?

What happens if you don't brush teeth?

You'll get a cavity and you're teeth will look yellow and nasty and so nobody will want to kiss you. SO BRUSH YOUR TEETH!

What happens when you brush your teeth?

Your teeth with go yellow and fall out and cause decay which could kill you

What happens if you don't brush?

You'll get a cavity and you're teeth will look yellow and nasty and so nobody will want to kiss you. SO BRUSH YOUR TEETH!

Why is it advised to brush your teeth two times daily?

Brushing your teeth is an important part of your dental care routine.