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Brown is referred to as 'cold blood.' I happen to get it at the end of my periods and sometimes in between periods. It is blood that did not get out during your period. It is perfectly natural and harmless.

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Q: My period started off light a little late and it keeps going from brownish to dark red I started my period the beginning of December and still experiencing some bleeding what does this mean?
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You are one month late for your period and you are currently experiencing moderate brownish spotting What does this mean?

you might be pregnant

Is implantation bleeding bright red?

no, it's a brownish pink, and does not look like normal period blood.

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If your period was expected 3 days ago and you've had light bleeding not like your normal period it's a brownish-red color you have had other symptoms of pregnancy Could this be implantation bleeding?

yes it could be. I had brownish spotting when my period was due, and I was pregnant. But the only way to know for sure is to test.

What if you are bleeding bright red between periods?

Typically it is supposed to be brownish. That is because it is the rest of the eggs and the old wall of the uterus are falling out.

Is something wrong with you if your period is red and brownish black?

Not at all. Bleeding red and or brownish black while on your period is perfectly normal because when its red its just blood obviously but if its brownish black its just discharge usually occurs near the end of your period but it happens in between that's nothing to worry about :)

Is implantation bleeding slimy and brownish?

Implantation bleeding can last for 1-3 days. 1 in 3 women get it and it can be also stringy/thick pink/red/brown. It doesn't have a period pattern.

I never spot but am trying to conceive and had brownish discharge after three days of trying Could this be implantation bleeding?

Yes, it could be. Take a test

I had my period about a week ago now im bleeding brownish blood what does this mean?

it could mean anthing and could just be normal spotting which happens to everyone once in a while, your pill could be affecting this to, if you were acctive, it could be implanain bleeding which occurs about 5 days after possible conception though it is often mistaken for a period it is not you can define it by it will probably be shorter and lighter and a piny or a brownish colour

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Why do women sometimes have brown stuff in the crotch of their panties?

A brownish discharge is old blood. When blood is coming from the uterus during a period, it begins as pinkish (light bleeding), then redder or maroonish color (heavier bleeding with or without clumps called blood clots). Toward the end of a period, the flow becomes lighter and brownish colored. Brownish means "old blood", e.g. the blood has clotted from the source, like it is supposed to, so now the flow is just whatever blood was already created before. If you cut your finger and put a bandage on it, first you'd see reddish blood, but after the body creates a clot to stop fresh bleeding, you would see brownish blood forming with the scab on the wound. Same principle for what's happening in the uterus, except there is no scabbing when the body stops the active bleeding.

Your girlfriend had a brown and pinkish spotting one day before a heavy flow of bleeding menstruation Is it normal The bleeding for day one is quite heavy and then turn to moderate in day 2 and 3?

Can implantation bleeding be heavy until you need napkins? Btw the spotting of brownish blood contains clots, can implantation bleeding consists of clots?