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All women at one time or another will have a late or even skipped period. Teenagers in particular are known to have irregular menstrual cycles, where 45 days is actually closer to the average number of days for a cycle than 28. Women in their mid to late 20's generally have an average of 35 to 38 day cycles, Women in their 30's cycle runs 32 to 35 days and it isn't until a woman is in her 40's that an average cycle is 28 days.

Having the flu, taking exams, having a boss who makes your life miserable, are all things that can cause stress. While we know stress, dieting and exercising can delay your cycle. On the other hand, except for the flu, those things don't generally cause symptoms of pregnancy. The only thing that can cause the real symptoms caused by a pregnancy; is unprotected sex or birth control failure like a broken condom or taking certain antibioticswhile using BCPs and no back up method.

So depending which category you fall into, if your period is two weeks late, even with a negative EPT and you are having nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness and possibly period like cramping, with no sign of a period; calling your doctor or clinic and getting a serum hCG (blood test) is the best way to find out if you are pregnant or cause your period to start.

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Q: My period is 14 days late. Pregnancy tests are negative. People say it is caused by stress but should I be as late as this?
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. . . means that you arent pregnant.

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No you can't be pregnant and still have your period. You can have a light bleed but not a period. As for the whole negative test thing, it could be a false negative.

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