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Does your mom always have headache that prolonged more than 2wks? Does your mom always waking up in the morning that already have a headache? if so, i think she might have aneurysm that within certain period of time it might rapture. If this is the case, call emergency no. and send an ambulance to get her bp, then, have CT Scan. Hope she will be alright

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Q: My mom woke up dizzy and with a headache she can't get out of bed how can I help her?
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This is something that you really need to see a doctor about because non of this should be happening !Are you eating between meals !?When i woke up i always had something to eat and then left it 2hrs and had something else then another 2hrs i had something else!I had to do this becasue i was feeling dizzy whenever i left it to long to eat meals!However before this i woke up had breakfast and then never ate again till tea time 6pm !So that maybe the issueHope i was help to you and hopefully you get better soon xxxxx

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test same here

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