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first off, i may not be a guy, but my dad is 60 something and he still has the same voice from when he was yeah he hit it already just not a voice change or facial hair....people go through it differently like okay my little brother is 19 and he didn't hit puberty till he was 2 say.....not that bad.

Most children start Puberty at around 10 to 13-years-old. Girls usually start a year before boys on average. Everyone is different but if you have not started by 16 to 17-years-old then it is worth visiting your Doctor Who may be able to prescribe hormonal treatment to hurry it along. Puberty lasts 4 to 5 years so most have ended puberty by 18-years-old.

It would be very rare that someone has not started by 20-years-old. My guess is that they have started puberty but have not noticed any effects.

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it depends on the person... if you are 14... and have a low voice... you have hit puberty... if it is high... then theres no need to worry... you will eventually hit puberty... now.. if your voice is low... then you have already hit puberty ... which is a good thing.... (i'm not saying that if you haven't hit puberty it is a bad thing)

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Well, you can still be experiencing puberty! There are people who are late bloomers and that's just fine, you can ask your parents when they hit puberty and you may be the same as them. :)

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Yes, she has. Every one has hit puberty in their lives.

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No, protein shakes cannot be bad for anyone. Protein is not stored in our body. Unwanted protein is excreted.

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