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get a new boyfriend otherwise your babys gonna be a duck!

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Q: My boyfriend was born with his fingers and toes stuck together you would like to know what the chances are your baby could have the same as his or her dad it don't bother me at all?
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How much trauma is caused when toes or fingers are cut off?

A LOT-Unless you are put too sleep, there are chances you will go into shock and die. However if you are put to sleep it shouldn't be much of a bother until you wake up.

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why bother the child will stop when it want too/

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It bothers your boyfriend because then your showing your booty to the world and your boyfriend is jealous because he wants you to himself :)

Why does it bother your boyfriend that in the summer you constantly wear booty shorts?

It bothers your boyfriend because then your showing your booty to the world and your boyfriend is jealous because he wants you to himself :)

How do you know your ex-boyfriend still love you?

IF he tells you or if you notice that he still likes to be around you and stare at you. If he is your Ex-boyfriend he is your "EX" for a reason and I would say don't bother trying to find. If he is your Ex-boyfriend he is your "EX" for a reason and I would say don't bother trying to find.

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only if it doesnt hurt or bother you

Why does talking to your ex bother your boyfriend?

Because he know how you felt in the past with this person.

Your boyfriend just broke up with you what do you do?

keep it cool and act liike it dont bother you

If your girlfriend was talking to her ex-boyfriend but it bother you that she continued to talk to him because of her hurtful relationship with him. What would you do or say?

Call off the relationship. If she's still in contact with this guy, then chances are she still has feelings for him. Which most likely means she's sleeping with him behind your back.

What if your boyfriend is perverted?

Then he's no boyfriend, just a pervert. Why bother with him? That is up to you to decide. If he is sexually harassing you, then you should dump him immediately and report him to the police.

Should you introduce your parents to your boyfriend read discussion?

you should only introduce your boyfriend to your parents if its a serios relationship if not then dont even bother. If you want instead you colud just tell them you have a boyfriend