skeletal muscles
skeletal muscles
Most of the muscles of the body are exercised when running. Of course the foot and leg muscles are needed the most but the muscles of the torso and upper body are used as well.
Involuntary muscles are the muscles in your body that you have no control over. The two main types of involuntary muscles are smooth muscles (which are found in most organs of the body) and cardiac muscle (found in the heart).
Your Heart!
The cardiac muscle is the most numerous i nvoulantarymuscle in the body , They are invoulantary ; wich means they Voulantary muscles are muscles you move and control with your thoughts. (: ****ANSWER IS : CARDIAC MUSCLES*********
The myocardium, or heart, is the most used muscle in the body.
Your hand.
the tongue and jaw
The skeletal muscles form most of the weight in the human body. The body also contains smooth and cardiac muscles.
Most extensors in the body are located in the back of the body, such as the triceps in the arms and the erector spinae muscles in the back. These muscles are responsible for extending or straightening parts of the body at joints.