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Q: Most effective weapons against cholera
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What is the most defensive weapons against vibrio cholera?

antibiotics. you can find the answer on GOOGLE.

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The most effective weapons against pneumonia are anitbiotics.

What are the most effective weapons against chickenpox?

Medicine and vaccines.

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A knife

Is stomach acid or mucus a barrier to infection that is most effective against cholera bacteria?

i think it is stomach acid

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maggots eat the dead flesh

What is the most effective weapon against this disease?

Er...which disease exactly? Different ones have different weapons to fight them and their spread?

What are the most effective weapons against scarlet fever?

Antibiotics are used to treat scarlet fever. It is important to wash hands often.

What are the most effective weapons against tetanus?

shots but if you stop getting them you will have tetanus again also having clean cuts no wound don't have dirt or soil on you

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electric and ice are effective against flying

Most effective weapons against the germ?

The most effective weapons against germs are proper hand hygiene (washing hands with soap and water) to prevent the spread of germs, cleaning and disinfecting frequently-touched surfaces, and practicing good respiratory hygiene (covering coughs and sneezes). Additionally, vaccines are an important tool to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases.