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The valve becomes thickened and doesn't work correctly. I have heard it called floppy valve. It doesn't close tightly as it should and it can be "leaky". Some blood flows backwards. This can be heard as a "murmur". It also can be seen on an ultra-sound.

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Q: Mitral valve prolapse is a disorder of the heart in which the mitral valve?
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Is Mitral Valve Prolapse a class III heart condition?

Class III refers to the degree of congestive heart failure, but not directly to mitral valve prolapse. Ask your cardiologist if you have any degree of heart failure as a result of mitral valve prolapse.

Is a sticky heart valve hereditary?

A sticky heart valve is another term for mitral valve prolapse. Mitral valve prolapse is when one of the mitral valves swings up towards the atrium when it opens causing blood to leak back into the atrium.

What is mitral insufficiency?

Mitral insufficiency is a disorder of the heart in which the mitral valve does not close properly. It is also called mitral regurgitation and more info can be found here:

How dangerous is mitral valve prolapse?

In rare cases, mitral valve prolapse can cause sudden death. Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) could kill you if it is serious. There are some symptoms but most people don't get them. There are a racing heart, chest pains, dizziness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. You can get a heart replacement but it is extremely expensive usually between $500 and $10000.

Is mitral valve prolapse dangerous to pregnant women?

Mitral valve prolapse is generally not dangerous to pregnant women. However, close monitoring by a healthcare provider is recommended to assess the impact on both the mother and the fetus. In severe cases, complications such as arrhythmias or heart failure may occur, requiring careful management.

What is heart valve too loose called?

You are probably referring to mitral valve prolapse between the left atrium and ventricle.

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Definition Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common heart disorder. It occurs when the valve between your heart's left upper chamber (left atrium) and the left lower chamber (left ventricle) doesn't close properly. When the left ventricle contracts, the valve's leaflets bulge (prolapse) upward or back into the atrium. Mitral valve prolapse sometimes leads to blood leaking backward into the left atrium, a condition called mitral valve regurgitation. Mitral valve prolapse affects slightly more than 2 percent of adults in the United States. Men and women appear to develop MVP in similar numbers. In most people, mitral valve prolapse is harmless and doesn't require treatment or changes in lifestyle. It also doesn't shorten your life expectancy. In some people with mitral valve prolapse, however, the progression of the disease requires treatment. Symptoms Although mitral valve prolapse is a lifelong disorder, many people with this condition never have symptoms. When diagnosed, people may be surprised to learn that they have a heart abnormality. When signs and symptoms do occur with mitral valve prolapse, it's typically because blood is leaking backward through the valve (regurgitation). Symptoms can vary widely from one person to another. They tend to be mild, develop gradually and may include: A racing or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) Dizziness, lightheadedness Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, often when lying flat or during physical exertion Fatigue Chest pain that's not associated with a heart attack or coronary artery disease What that feeling is is called a something-valve prolapse or something. My dad and I get them ocassionally. It is where a valve doesnt close right. Its harmless and the best way to get rid of it is to breath it out or wait it out.

Heart disease need advic i have mitro heart disease and also an irregular heartbeat?

The question is not clear. You may have mitral valve prolapse, mitral stenosis or mitral regurgitation. Mitral valve prolapse is a heart problem in which the valve that separates the upper and lower chambers of the left side of the heart does not close properly. Mitral stenosis is a heart valve disorder that involves the mitral valve. This valve separates the upper and lower chambers on the left side of the heart. Stenosis refers to a condition in which the valve does not open fully, restricting blood flow. Acute mitral regurgitation is a disorder in which the heart's mitral valve suddenly does not close properly, causing blood to flow backward (leak) into the upper heart chamber when the left lower heart chamber contracts. In open surgery, the surgeon makes a large incision (cut) in your breastbone to reach the heart.

How do heart attacks affect the mitral valve?

Heart attacks that damage the structures that support the mitral valve are a common cause of mitral valve insufficiency. Myxomatous degeneration can cause a "floppy" mitral valve that leaks.

Where do you hear mitral valve?

The Mitral Valve is in the heart, so a doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to your heart.

What is the heart valves?


Can a person with mitral valve prolapse develop heart infections from viruses easily?

Mitral Valve Prolapse would help organisms get stuck to the walls of the heart more easily. It's like churning the blood in that area. It could allow an infection to grow there more easily, yes. From viruses more than bacteria... I don't know. But organisms in general, yes.