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Sometimes it can be possible to miss upto a week and it's also possible that the test didn't recognize it yet so a good advice is for you to go into walk-in clinic and they can do a better and more thorough urine test for you and let you know. If you've been taking birth controls or not, it depends on your age, maturity and whole other things, so go ask the doctor.

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17y ago

If your blood test was negative I am afraid you are not pregnant. There is some other reason for your missed period.

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Q: Missed period for 8 weeks blood test negative why?
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Maybe its cause your period is changing cycles. it might come later like it usually does

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As the blood test is negative it is unlikely you are pregnant. However if you 'feel' pregnant and had sex at your fertile time it might be a good idea to take a home pregnancy test two weeks after your missed period.

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well, think of when she missed her first period....then count back 2 weeks and there you go. this is the case since ovulation typically occurs 12-16 days after your last cycle. and then about 2 weeks after that you have your period. so just take when you missed your period and count two weeks before whatever the first day your missed period could have started....

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there is a possibility just to be sure you should have another test. But women can get irregular periods, its normal. It when you haven't had a period for 6 months that you should consult your doctor...

How long after intercourse could you take a pregnancy test?

You should take a pregnancy test shortly after your missed period. That is when a home pregnancy test is most effective. Although I have heard you can do a blood test at the doctor as soon as 2 weeks before your missed period.

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Around 4 weeks gestation but an ultrasound scan would tell you for sure. It does sound as though you had a very early miscarriage (at the time of your period) then got pregnant the next month. Good luck

How many days after your missed period should you take a pregnancy test?

After 4 weeks then you should get a definite result of whether you are pregnant or not. It is better if you do it through a blood test.

When is the soonest time to test if your pregnant?

2 weeks after your 1st missed period