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Q: Men with a tight foreskin that can not be pulled back to uncover the head of the penis?
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You cannot see the head of your penis and you find it very hard to have sexual intercourse- why has my foreskin completely hidden the head of my penis?

you could try circumcision, but that's up to youAnswerThe foreskin is a shield to protect the penis from damage, as sexual reproduction is greatly needed in evolution and to keep the mammal's race existent, in this case, a human. When the foreskin gets stuck to the penis, the head of the penis might be incredibly dirty or might of even covered the entire head.But the foreskin can only cover the head of the penis, it is joined to the lower Frenulum. The head of the penis is called the penial glands.Without the foreskin it is very difficult to masturbate.When the foreskin is pulled far enough, it can actually stretch down the entire penial shaft, but cannot reach the scrotum in a fully erected penis.The foreskin may remain tight, but pulling the foreskin gradually, further and further each day.Some people are scared of their foreskin from being pulled away for the first time.This is common.But if the penis is damaged and / or infected it is strongly advised to visit your doctor in sexual or penial medicine, usually located in a hospital.

Why Foreskin of human penis is cracked plus injured while intercourse?

Possibly pulled back at the wrong place, and tore due to strain... Or dry skin/infection, or she was tight her self.. can be many things.

Your foreskin is very tight when your penis is erect but loose when it is flaccid help?

That is perfectly normal, and nothing to worry about.

Where would one find the frenulum?

If it is doing what it is supposed to do. which is cause the foreskin to move back over the glans of the penis when it is flaccid. it is easily distinguishable when puling the foreskin right back as a separate chord like entity that reaches from the glans to the foreskin for about 15mm until it seems to blend back into the foreskin. so it is not actually tight at all it only becomes tight when the foreskin is pulled back. the tightens of the frenulum may well be associated with the tightness of the foreskin round the penis itself. loosen the foreskin and you loosen the frenulum.

What do doctors check for when you go to a check up to see if you need a circumcision or not?

If the foreskin is too tight or not, if it can be pulled back so you can clean under it.

Is it normal for the skin around your penis to get tight when you get erect?

This is called phimosis, where the skin of the foreskin becomes tight and sometimes painful. It can be alleviated by gentle stretching and if this does not help, surgery or circumcision can be indicated.

Why are penises uncircumsied at birth?

This is the natural form of a penis, with foreskin attached. All baby boys are born with It. It is only later that circumcision gets taken into consideration for whatever reason, be it religious or cultural. Medically a penis will be circumcised because the foreskin is too tight and cannot be loosened.

For how long a man can hold his penis from ejaculating?

rap some tight selatape round the foreskin:], i do it often, it actuly works, you get a better longer feeling:D

When your penis is erected there is some liquid is out from your penis regularly due to which you loose your erection and your penis is closed by skin in front of your cock i am in Dubai pl suggest p?

Having liquid drip out of your penis when you're erect and sexually excited is completely normal. It's call pre-ejaculatory fluid, or more commonly "precum". Most men get some of this fluid when they are sexually excited. Or you may be describing semen, which is ejaculated from the penis at orgasm. The penis becomes soft after ejaculation. This is also very normal. If your foreskin is tight and can't be pulled back, then you can try gradually stretching it. Search Wikianswers for "How do you stretch your foreskin?" for more information.

When will your penis circumstance?

I think you are asking if you need to have a circumcision ! This all depends on how tight your foreskin is, it is not normal practise anymore to remove the foreskin unless it is needed medically. Usually it is done when you are still a child but it can be done for adults also. The foreskin should be able to move over the glans freely without causing pain. There are circumcisions on religious grounds. The Jewish faith still circumcise their baby boys. The foreskin need never be removed for any reason but to treat an existing medical condition that can not be dealt with in any other way. tight foreskins can be loosened in order for them to be able to move easily back and forth over the glans penis. The foreskin is an important part of the operation of the penis and is a or erogenous zone.

What is the homophone of pulled tight?

The homophone of "pulled tight" is "pulled tite".

Is it true that a tight circumcision would yield painful erections?

After the foreskin is removed; the place where it was attached to the penis needs to heal. That area may be sewn together with stitches or covered with plastic. (Sometimes it is left open) During that time, erections are impossible. When the wound is healed and the dressing is removed, nothing stops erections. There is no pain. Have you ever cut yourself? Did you have pain? Did you have pain after the wound healed? Tight circumcisions can however cause the hairy skin at the base of the shaft to be pulled up onto the shaft and this can lead to real discomfort and pain during sex. The penis is meant to have a foreskin so the result of any circumcision is at the least deleterious to the function of the penis overall