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Q: Membrane-enclosed vesicles that contain digestive enzymes best describe the?
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What are the Vassicles containing enzymes calles?

Lysosomes are the vesicles that contain a cell's digestive enzymes.

Vesicles that contain a cell's digestive enzymes are called?

It is called Lysicles or Lysosomes But i think Lysicles is the better answer

What is vesicles parasites?

Vesicles are small sacs or blisters that parasites can form to help them move, feed, or reproduce. They can contain various materials such as digestive enzymes or waste products, and play a role in the parasite's lifecycle and interactions with its host.

What would you expect to find in exocytotic vesicles?

Exocytotic vesicles typically contain molecules such as hormones, neurotransmitters, digestive enzymes, or other proteins that need to be released from the cell. These vesicles fuse with the cell membrane to release their cargo outside of the cell through the process of exocytosis.

What do vesicles in neurons contain?


What does the Golgi vesicles do?

Golgi vesicles transport molecules synthesized in the Golgi apparatus to different parts of the cell or outside of the cell. They also play a role in packaging molecules into vesicles for transport.

Contain digestive enzymes?

White blood sells contain digestive enzymes.

What organelles perform the digestive function of the cell?

The digestive organelles of a cell are - peroxisomes, vesicles/vacuoles and lysosomes.Peroxisomes are single membrane sacs that contain digestive enzymes that break down toxic materials in a cell. They also break down fatty acids to sugars.Vacuoles/vesicles are found in plant cells and some animal cells. Vacuoles and vesicles are membrane bound but the vacuoles are stationary and vesicles can move within the cell.Vacuoles are of three different types - food vacuoles, contractile vacuoles and central vacuoles are involved in ingesting food into the cell through a process called phagocytosiscontractile vacuoles are found in fresh water protists and are involved in pumping excess water out of the cellcentral vacuoles are found in mature plant cells that store water so that the plants do not dieVesicles are of two different types -transport vesicles that take the protein from the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and transport it to the Golgi Bodiessecretory vesicles that carry the finished proteins to the cell membranesLysosomes are vesicles that are sacs containing digestive enzymes, These are found only in animal cells. Their function is to digest macromolecules and clean up any dead organelles. For cellular digestion the lysosomes fuse with the food vacuole to break down the polymers.

What are vesicles that contain special enzymes called?

Lysosome silly :)

What are small sacs that contain cell products that can be be transported?


Which orgelles contain enzymes that break down old cell parts?

Lysosomes are vesicles (vesicles= small, spherical, single-membrane sacs used for temporary storage and transport within a cell and are classified by their contents) that contain digestive enzymes. In the process of autophagy, lysosomes digest worn-out organelles within cells. In the process autolysis, damaged or extra cells are digested and broken down by their own lysosomes. "Biology is your life, you know."

Peroxisomes are small vesicles that contain several kinds of?

Peroxisomes are small vesicles that contain several kinds of enzymes that are used in oxidation processes. Other cell organelles include lysosomes and endosomes.