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Q: Lump under skin on back passage?
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There is a small firm lump under my skin at the base of my penis?

A small firm lump under your skin at the base of your penis could be a cyst, but this should be confirmed with a doctor.

I had a bruise and now a lump under skin of calf what could it be?

It is probably because you have hit your bruise and formed a lump there.

Why does my raccoon have a lump under his skin?

Well, raccoons get this lump, called a debrah when it is kept in captivity. If you love it, you will set it free and the lump will go away.

What could a sudden painless large lump under the skin on your upper back by your spine be?

Lipoma, sebaceous cyst, and abscess are common causes of bumps on the back under the skin. See your health care provider for a specific diagnosis in your case.

What is this pea size lump under your skin around anal area?


What is the cat's large lump under skin on back?

If the lump is hard and feels like a rounded ridge over the back near the front legs, these are the edges of the shoulder blades. Other than this, I would suspect infection or tumor, which would need to be evaluated by a veterinarian.

Why do I have a pea-sized lump under the skin of my perineum?

It might be a lymph node, a cyst, a tumor. or just an extra lump of skin. That area of the body is very deilicate - suggest you see a doctor for a valid diagnosis.

What is a hard lump on your skin?

There are all sorts of lumps in your skin. They can be mosquito bites, goosebumps, warts, zits, and many other types of diseases. If you have a lot of lumps in your skin and are pretty small, they can probably be a goosebump. Sometimes, chicken pox can be formed into a lump. Chicken pox is red, so I'm not assuming you have chicken pox. I am assuming you have goosebumps. You get goosebumps when you are cold. If those lumps are itchy, it's probably a mosquito bite. If it's not, sadly it's probably a wart, zit, or something in a different type of lump. Hopefully this helped!

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to under skin?

The medical term for any swelling is called a lump

What is a hard lump and a bruise mean?

Bruises mean that some capillaries broke, and they bled under the skin. The hard lump is most likely from the bleeding. As the bruise fades away, the lump should go away with it.

I have found a lump on my rabbits stomach but it is under the skin and seems like it has fluids in it can it be a tumor?

Don't worry it is probably just an abcess. An abcess in a lump under the skin filled with puss. Dogs, cats, and rabbits get them. They are extremely common. Just bring it to the vet and he will fix it in 5 hours!

Should I worry about lump under skin of my baby's head about pea size he recently had a febrile convulsion and currently has chickenpox?

A lump under the skin of your baby's head could be a lymph node, or something else. Be sure to ask your health care provider for advice specific to your baby's situation.