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Metabolic acidosis occurs when the body does not get rid of the build up of acids in the body. Acidosis can occur due to kidney failure, uncontrolled Diabetes, alcohol poisoning, and prolonged lack of oxygen.

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Q: List some other potential causes of metabolic acidosis?
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Examples of acidosis?

Acidosis is high levels of acidity in the blood and other body tissue, occuring when the arterial pH falls below 7.35. The two types of acidosis are metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis.

What is the most common cause of acid-base imbalance?

The most common cause of acid-base imbalance is respiratory acidosis or alkalosis, which occurs due to abnormal levels of carbon dioxide in the blood resulting from lung conditions such as COPD or asthma. Other common causes include metabolic acidosis or alkalosis, which result from kidney dysfunction or electrolyte imbalances.

Why is lactic acid formed even when the person is breathing oxygen?

Blood flow in a certain anatomical area may be sluggish due to cardiovascular disease, infection or other things. This causes the metabolic by-products to build up and lead to acidosis.


Acidosis is a condition characterized by an increase in acidity levels in the blood and body tissues. It can be caused by conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, or lung diseases. Symptoms may include fatigue, confusion, rapid breathing, and nausea. Treatment often involves addressing the underlying cause and may include the use of medications to restore the body's acid-base balance.

When does respiratory acidosis occur?

Yes in cases like copd and renal failure ...... opioid poisoning with sepsis. The cause of respiratory acidosis is the excess C02 secondary to the rate of respiration (breathing rate low or circulatory problems). Lactic acidosis is due to the incomplete metabolism of glucose. Other forms of metabolic acidosis are symptomatic of kidney failure.

What is the difference between acidaemia and acidosis?

Acidaemia refers to elevated hydrogen ion concentration in the blood, leading to a decrease in blood pH. Acidosis, on the other hand, is a broader term that encompasses any physiological process that lowers blood pH, including respiratory and metabolic causes. Acidaemia is a specific manifestation of acidosis.

What happens when carbon dioxide levels in the blood increases?

When carbon dioxide levels in the blood are too low hyperventilation can occur. Hyperventilation can have voluntary or involuntary causes.

What happens to your respiratory system when your pH is low?

If blood pH drops due to metabolic reasons (this is called metabolic acidosis) the body is said to have a decreased buffer capacity. This means that it has fewer resources to mop up hydrogen ions which make the blood acidic. The body immediately and rapidly compensates for such a drop in pH by increasing the breathing rate. This helps to stabilise pH by making us 'blow off' more carbon dioxide, which is acidic when dissolved. This is a much faster recovery than in the other example of acidosis - respiratory acidosis. This occurs when carbon dioxide levels in the blood rise significantly, when our breathing is not efficient (such as patients with chronic airways disease, or those on opiate drugs like morphine). The counteract this, the kidneys increase production of bicarbonate in order to reduce the blood pH. This is a much slower process and can take hours, rather than minutes as with metabolic acidosis.

Why does coronary heart disease cause pain?

Coronary artery disease, in and of itself, does not cause pain. What causes pain is the restriction of blood flow to the cardiac muscle itself, which causes a buildup of metabolic byproducts, including lactic acid and carbon dioxide (amongst others), which results in pain from ischemia and acidosis. The acidosis and ischemia result in abnormal function in the affected muscle, which, depending on where it is, may result in other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, congestive heart failure, and rapid or irregular heart rates. Coronary artery disease is the process that most frequently leads to the blockage of blood flow, but without the restriction of blood flow, does not cause pain.

The bonds that hold glucose and other food molecules together contain what kinds of energy?

The bonds in glucose and other food molecules contain potential energy. When these bonds are broken during metabolic processes, the stored potential energy is released and can be harnessed by cells to fuel various activities.

Abnormal blood values compensated respiratory acidosis chronic bronchitis?

Compensated respiratory acidosis is described as any point in time where the body decreases the amount of respirations per minute, causing the amount of carbon dioxide in the body to increase. This increase changes the PH of the blood, which normally ranges anywhere between 7.35 and 7.45. This can be caused by a number of factors from infection, airway restriction or blockage, and by metabolic factors as well. Bronchitis is common with Compensated Respiratory Acidosis as the infection causes an increase in the carbon dioxide levels, due to the fact that the alveoli cannot remove the carbon dioxide fast enough, and restore it with oxygen. With blood tests we can see the change in the PH of the blood as well as the other PH balances in the body.

What are some causes of an abnormal EEG of the brain?

Some causes of an abnormal EEG (electroencephalogram) of the brain include epilepsy, brain tumors, head injuries, infections such as encephalitis, metabolic disorders, and strokes. The presence of abnormal wave patterns on an EEG can indicate potential seizure activity or other neurological abnormalities.