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Cancer is an inherited disease. These aren't diseases, but you can be tall, short, dark-haired, dark-eyed, fair-haired, lighter-eyed, with big feet, with small feet, with freckles or without, with curly hair or straight hair, or many other things because your parents, or somebody else in you class, was (or is).

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Where can one find a list of bone marrow diseases?

One can find a list of bone marrow diseases through medical websites such as RightDiagnosis, MedlinePlus, or Livestrong. One could also find a list of bone marrow diseases in a comprehensive medical textbook, available through Amazon.

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There are all sorts really there is ring worm, mites, colds, eye infections, chest infections, respiratory infections, and lots more.Go to the related link below (Guinea pig diseases) for areasonably comprehensive list of diseases

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Obesity, Smoking and high blood pressure are the most prevalent life style related diseases in in all parts of the world.

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There are many, many diseases caused by bacteria. Far too many to list here